Part 4

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Harry and Louis had been at odds for a few days now. Louis isn't even entirely sure what started it, but they've had trouble getting along and it's causing a lot of stress on both of them. Louis can see it wearing down on Harry and keeps assuring him that if he needed to go down Louis would still take care of him just the same, but Harry keeps refusing, not wanting to be small when Louis is upset.

It just adds to Louis' frustration because it's coming across as Harry not trusting Louis to take care of him right now. So the tension keeps building and both lads just want to get over this hump already.

Louis thinks it was the topic of the nappies. When Harry dropped last Louis made a judgment call and tried to put him in one. Harry had a fit and ended up hitting Louis which earned him a spanking. But a few spanks in and Harry was coloring out and shot back up to big so fast he hurled all over the floor and had a panic attack that left both of them shaking and in tears.

Since then Harry had been closed off and hadn't gone down. Louis tries to give him space but also keeps reminding Harry that they need to talk about it and figure out what happened. Harry just brushes him off and they both walk away before it turns into a screaming match.

"You know this is just getting ridiculous at this point, don't you?" Louis said, standing in the doorway of the nursery with his arms crossed.

Harry was sitting on the floor in the room pouting. "Leave me alone."

Louis sighed, walking in and sitting across from Harry. "Harry, you need to go down. I won't put you in a nappy. Yes, I'm frustrated, but you have to know that I'm still going to take care of you and would never take any frustration out on you when you're little."

"Don't wanna go down."

"Harry," Louis groaned. "What is the problem?"

"Nothing. Just go away."

Louis wanted to argue further, but he was trying to show restraint. "Fine. But, you need to come out of here."

"What? Why?"

"If you're not going down, if you're not going to trust me, then get out of the nursery before you accidentally slip because otherwise, I'm not sure who is supposed to take care of you."

"L-louis," Harry whined.

"Get out of the nursery, Harry," Louis said sternly, standing up and pointing to the door.

Harry's bottom lip wobbled, but he nodded, standing up and rushing from the room. Louis followed, closing the locking the door behind him. He could hear Harry's soft cries coming from the bedroom. He sighed, taking a deep breath before going to find the lad.

Harry was curled up on the bed, face buried in his hands. "Harry," Louis said softly. "I'm sorry. That wasn't fair of me. I just, I'm scared," Louis admitted. He climbed onto the bed, sitting in front of Harry.

Harry moved his hands so that he could see Louis. "Scared?"

Louis nodded. "I need you to talk to me. I need us to figure this out so we can move on. I can see your body wearing down and, I'm also hurt that you don't trust me right now. I thought you knew that I loved you enough to be able to take care of you always."

Harry wiped at his eyes, crawling into Louis' lap and wrapping his arms around his neck. "I do trust you. I'm sorry. I-I'm scared to go down because of how small I felt last time."

"What do you mean? You know I'm fine with whatever headspace you need to fall into, yeah?"

"I know but," Harry trailed off.

"The nappy," Louis concluded. "Harry, I need you to tell me what the issue is with that."

Harry sighed, clinging to Louis, trying to keep calm. "I don't like wetting myself."

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