Part 10

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Haz?" Louis said softly. He had just gotten home from a meeting, expecting to hear his boyfriend in the kitchen singing while he cooked them dinner, but instead found him curled up on the couch, hugging his knees to his chest.

"D-daddy," Harry whined, reaching out for him.

Louis quickly sat down, bundling the lad into his arms and pulling him onto his lap. "Right here, Baby. Daddy's here," Louis whispered, pressing kisses into his hair.

It had been about a month since he had initially come up from that deep drop, but he's been struggling to stay up ever since, the event having brought up a lot of memories Harry's been trying so hard to keep locked away.

"I'm sorry," Harry hiccuped, clinging onto Louis.

"No need to apologize, my love. You know Daddy will always take care of you no matter what."

"D-don't wanna drop though," He cried.

Louis' heart was breaking for the lad, clearly seeing and sensing his utter distress. "I know. It's okay though. If you're body is telling you to go down don't fight it. I'll be right here when you're ready to come back," Louis assured. "Do you think you're going to go far?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't know."

"That's alright. Why don't we start with going to the bathroom then we can get you in something more comfortable, yeah?"

Harry sighed, slowly caving in. "Yes please, Daddy."

Louis stood up, going to pick Harry up, but the lad stood before he had the chance. He was a little wobbly on his feet, but Louis could tell he was going to fight this drop as long as he could.

Louis gave him some privacy while he used the bathroom, occupying himself by digging out a onesie for Harry. He set things up around the changing table before returning to find Harry sucking on his thumb, sitting on the bed. "Baby?"

Harry looked up, furrowing his eyebrows before abruptly taking the thumb from his mouth. "Can't we change in here?"

Louis shook his head. "Not right now. Want you in your safe place, okay? Daddy is only trying to help ease this process. I want you to stop fighting it." Harry grumbled, his thumb going back up to his mouth, but Louis walked over and snatched it away. "And you know we don't suck on our thumbs. I have a paci all ready for you." Harry crossed his arms but stood up and stomped toward his nursery.

Louis pinched the bridge of his nose before following. Harry was standing in the middle of the room, refusing to make eye contact with Louis. "Not a baby."

"I never said you were. Now, come here please."

"No," Harry said, turning his back to Louis.

"Harry, I'm not playing this game. Come here."

"Shut up," Harry snapped.

Louis stalked over, landing a smack to Harry's bottom. "Excuse me? I know you're struggling right now Harry, but you don't ever speak to me with that tone. You're going to land yourself in the corner," He warned.

Harry stuck his tongue out at Louis, kicking over his blocks and plopping himself on the floor. "Daddy's mean."

Louis could tell that Harry was slowly slipping down based on the way his words were now coming out. He grabbed his things off the changing table before sitting with Harry on the floor. He grabbed hold of Harry's ankles, yanking them forward so Harry tipped onto his back. "We will do this down here," Louis said, going to take Harry's trousers off until Harry started kicking and fighting him.

"No, don't want those!"

"Harry, knock it off. Stop kicking."

"No!" Harry yelled, kicking harder.

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