Chapter 19

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Ava's PO

I knew I had his undivided attention because he was staring at me. Here goes nothing. "She told me that I was a good mom. She said she was gonna leave this part of town, so we could be a family. I told her that we would tell John-Luke that she loved him but that she had to go away." I waited patiently for his reply.

He just sighed and had a look of "finally" on his face. I smiled and slapped his chest. "I don't know about that last one but if that's what you want to tell him, that's what we'll tell him." I smiled and then snuggled back into him. We began the movie in a blissful state.

By the time the movie was over, I was yawning. I had been so weak because of the blood loss but I was doing so much better. Austin helped me up and took me over to the bed. Before I laid down, my phone started ringing. "That's weird." I said aloud.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked.

"It's your mom." I answered and followed suit. "Hello."

"Oh thank God. Ava, John-Luke has not slept for more than 2 hours. He wants to be sung too, but I can't sing. Can you sing to him?"

"Actually, I can do better than that. May I speak with him?"

She said sure and I waited while he came on the line. "Hey"

"Hey buddy. Do you want daddy to come get you, so you can be over here with us?" I asked. Austin gave me a look that wasn't very approving. I had no idea why.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!" He got so excited. I just laughed.

"Okay, he'll be there soon. Can I talk to nawnaw?"


"Hey. Austin is going to come get him. I've missed him so much and I just want him here."

"Honey that's fine. I was the same way with Austin. It's a mother's intuition." I just smiled and we said our goodbyes.

Austin chimed up, "Babe, what if he hits your wound or you try to lift him. He doesn't know any better."

"Hey, I'll be fine. If anything, it'll fill the void I have from him not being here. Just go get him and I'll be right here when you get back. I promise."

He sighed, "Fine. If you need anything or something happens, call me!"

"I will." He kissed my forehead and then he ran out the door. He better not speed just so he can get back. Him and John-Luke are precious cargo.

When Austin got back, the ride here had almost put John-Luke to sleep. He set John-Luke beside me where he would be between us. I laid so my bad side would be facing away from him. I told both my boys I loved them and gave them kisses. I sung both of my men to sleep before slowly drifting off myself.



Today marks two weeks since I have been shot. The pain really isn't that bad. Tonight me and Austin are going to a pre-graduation party. I never really do parties but I guess I can go to this one. But I'm not dressing up. Navy blue polo t-shirt, ripped jean shorts, and my beloved red VANS. I let my hair stay naturaly wavy.

Austin picked me up around nine, we dropped John-Luke off with my mom and step-dad, and then we came to the party. As soon as we walked in, we were bombarded by everyone. At first I thought it was because of Austin, but they were all asking me if I was okay. I guess it's perks of being his girlfriend.

I stayed close to him, holding his hand, and wrapping my other hand on his arm. I still wasn't keen on big crowds. Due to me being close to him at all times, I over heard his conversation with one of his basketball buddies.

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