Chapter 30

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Ava's POV

"Mom please stop." John-Luke whined as I pestered kisses all over his face and only stopped to squeeze him in a hug.

"I'm sorry. Momma's just gonna miss you." I mumbled in to his head. Today me and Austin were going to Nashville for our anniversary trip. Since we finished packing, Austin has not quit spending time with the boys. He refuses to leave until he has no choice.

"I never thought I would say this, but please leave." Callie said to me and Austin. Her and Jake volunteered to babysit the boys while we were gone. J-Luke convinced her to bring Ella along. I'm not really sure how I felt about that.

"Here." Austin handed Bentley to me. We swapped kids and repeated the acts on both. Don't judge us, we love our boys. If it wasn't for the fact that we both needed time away, we would have brought them with us.

Bentley smiled and clapped his hands on my face. He was three months old now and he was growing entirely too fast. He was holding his head up perfectly and was even standing while he had death grips on Austin's hands. It was hard to watch another one of my baby's grow older and older.

"Okay. We are really leaving this time." Austin said. We kissed our boys one last time before heading out the door. We barely made it on to the main road when Austin pulled the car over. "Maybe we could go back. We could do this trip when they are older."

I laughed and lifted the hand that was rested on my thigh to my lips as I kissed his knuckles. "If we don't do this now, we will never leave and ultimately smother them."

He nodded his head before getting on to the main road again. The trip was about a couple hours. I took the time to nap since I stayed up late and woke up early to prepare everything.

When I woke up, Austin was laying me on the bed in our hotel room. "God your heavy and you sleep like a damn rock." I gasped and hit his shoulder.

He smiled and kissed my nose. If I knew he didn't love me so much, I would have been completely offended. But let's face it, if was naked right now he would do naughty things to me. I'm not saying I'm beautiful by any means, but when you love someone, they are the sexiest person to you and no one can compare.

"We've got that fancy dinner tonight. Do you still want to go?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Of course I want to go." I said. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth eagerly. Don't get me wrong, we have sex all the time. Of course we kept it away from the boys but we wouldn't just stop. However, each time got better and better.

I moaned as his tongue fought with mine for control. I eventually gave in but turned my head for air. He kissed my neck which made me moan all over again. I looked at the clock and realized we had four hours before we had to leave. "One hour. That's it." I said to him and he smiled. I grabbed his neck and pulled his head down so his lips met mine. Let's just say, that hour was definitely the chart topper of our weekend.

After we had showered and dressed in our fancy clothes, we walked down to the doors and met our driver. "So you still aren't going to tell me where we are going?" I asked him. He shook his head no. I don't know why it was a big deal to him but he loved to let me sit in suspense the whole time. I hated it but deep down I secretly loved it because it made him so happy.

We stopped at a red light and I looked at my surroundings. All you could see was skyscrapers and then I saw nothing. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I don't like this." I said as Austin finished tying the blindfold on.

"It's just because when you see the building you'll know the surprise and that takes the fun out of it." I nodded my head and gripped his hand. I still remember the day Bentley was born and how I almost severed his hand with my grip. He squeezed my hand and kissed the back of it. We also decided not to do presents because we already had everything we wanted. So Austin just stuck to making this weekend the best it could be.

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