Chapter 14

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He was mad. Boy was he mad. I placed my hand on the one he had gripped tight to the wheel. He instantly loosened up and pulled me over in his lap. He put his head in the crook of my neck and sighed heavily. I was about to say something but he beat me too it.

"I'm sorry babe. I know you're not happy with me doing that but I can't handle when people talk about you. It doesn't matter who they are, it hurts me too when they talk about you." I sighed and kissed his forehead. The whole time he was talking, I was running my fingers through his hair on the back of his head.

"I know it hurts babe. We just have to learn to react differently. Okay?" He shook his head. "Oh, the girls moved out." He gave a look that was like, really? "Yeah they did. They want to go live with their families before they go to college. They should be out by tonight. So, since they are going to be in and out all night, I thought we could go see little man?" He just shook his head and laughed. I climbed over in my seat, now barely able to hold my excitement. I missed my baby during the day.

When we got to his house, I ran straight for the door. His mom kept John-Luke during the day and his dad ran his own very successful business. I opened the door and he was playing in the floor. He looked up to me and came running. "Afffa.... Daddy" he yelled as he hugged us. He was doing good for his age. He was learning and copying things we did. He was still on the shaky side when he ran but other than that he was great. I picked him up and went back into the living room. I sat him down and picked up his learning book. We played for a little while and I taught him all of his farm animals.

We had dinner at his house with his parents and when we were all done, we went our seperate ways. We went to John-Luke's room. I sat in the rocking chair and held John-Luke. He craddled into me and began to fall asleep. Austin sat in the floor doing his homework.

When Austin was finished with his homework, I put John-Luke in his bed and turned the baby monitor on. Me and Austin went to his room. He walked in and crashed on his bed and I turned the baby monitor on in his room and then joined him on the bed. He pulled me close to him and I tangled our legs together and laid my head on his chest.

"What age do you want to get married?" Austin asked, breaking the silence.

"I dont know. I never thought I would find someone this early. I wouldn't mind getting married early but that wouldn't stop my plans for college. Why?"

"Nothing. Its just, when you told me about the girls moving out I couldn't help but picture me, you, and John-Luke being a little family in your apartment. I never realized how much John-Luke needed a mother until you came into the picture. Your everything and more for us. I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love you so much." My tears were streaming. I looked up to him and his eyes were rimmed in red with tears threatening to fall out. When we made eye contact, it was like everything clicked. I felt so much love for him then and it wasn't just love, it was me falling in love. Correction. I already fell.

"I love you too. I love you and everything you come with." I leaned down and kissed him. This kiss was the best one of all our kisses. It was amazing, breathtaking, and wonderful. I wouldn't mind if him and John-Luke came and lived with me. It wouldn't bother me at all. But, we both want to be married before we make that next step. I was ready to be married to this man, anyday. Moving too fast? Nah, this is normal speed for me. I'm a puma. Just kidding.

Later that night I decided it was time to go home. Austin took me home and even walked me to the door. I opened it up and already could tell the girls were gone. I turned around to face Austin and gave a, lets just say, very long goodnight kiss. When he left I locked the door, took a shower and then went to bed. I didn't realize how tired I was. It was 9 when I laid down.

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