Chapter 2

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Part 2

I walked to the gym for free period by myself because Austin was already in there for basketball practice. I sat down by my best friends and was bombarded by questions instantly.

"Did Austin walk you to all your classes?" asked Autumn.

"Did he carry your books every time?" Brey said.

"Are you guys gonna start talking?" Autumn said as I tried to hush them Brey got another question in. "Is this gonna be a normal thing?"

"Guys!" I yelled as the listened. "I don't know what is gonna happen but he did walk me to class and carry my books. It is up to him if we talk. Let's take it step by step ok?"

"Ok no problem. Right Brey?" Autumn said and they agreed.

"Oh my, he wants your attention." Brey said all too excitedly.

I looked his way and he motioned for me to come play by acting like he was shooting. So I decided I would go and shoot around a while. I was walking down the steps and I heard the girls yell good luck and I gave them a glare. I reached the bottom of the bleachers and he threw me a ball. "Let's see what you got" he smirked.

I easily sank a nice, smooth three and all the guys around us was like ohhhh and I of course blushed and laughed. "Ok so you can shoot now try it with some pressure."

"Austin, I am wearing TOMS. I will fall" was my excuse.

"I'll catch you" he winked and then I got ready to run past him and sink a layup. I was bouncing the ball and he was in the defense stance and looked really hot. I turned to his left but faked and went to the goal and sunk a layup. "Never let your enemies confuse you" I said with a wink. He laughed and replied "Ok try it again but from over there" I knew he meant on my bad side.

"Okay but I make no promises that I won't smoke you again" I chimed.

We got in the same stance and I knew I would mess up and when I started to dribble I walked. He called it out too and I went on anyways.

"Hey that is garbage. You are such a cheater" he teased.

"I know nothing about basketball I lied" and he caught it all too well. I was a University of Kentucky fan and I knew pretty much everything about basketball.

"Liar" he said and at this I play hit his shoulder.

"Jerk" I retaliated.



"I'm not arguing anymore" he laughed and I agreed.

"I think I am gonna go get my Gatorade and sit down before I get trampled by these players." I smiled and when I thought he was going to stay I turned and walked a few steps and his hand was on my arm.

"I want to go with you." He broke the silence with a smile.

"Are you sure? You can stay and play I won't mind." I tried him honestly.

"I am most certain I want to go with you, Ava" he replied as he let go of my arm and walked with me to get my Gatorade. I looked down at my watch and we only had ten minutes left.

"Do you want to walk with me to go put my books up?" I asked in all hopes he would say yes.

"Of course but on one condition, you let me carry your backpack." I agreed and gave him my one shoulder University of Kentucky backpack. He looked down and smiled a thank you smile and I replied with a smirk/flirty smile. As we were walking out I looked around only to see whispers and glances. I could tell they thought I was not good enough for him. I just looked at Austin who smiled. I smiled and looked away.

As we exited the gym I let my hands fall by my side. Our fingertips made the slightest touch but still my stomach and nerves where flipping. I decided to pull my hand up because my face flushed with all the redness it could hold. I bit my lip. We reached my locker and I opened it. Austin gave me my backpack so I could put my books in there correct place. I just smiled. We have basketball fourth block. I am a manager for the girls and he plays. I grabbed his bag off of his locker and threw it over my shoulder.

"Hey! What have I told you about me being the gentleman...?" I cut him off.

"Well welcome to my world where I am a gentle lady" I flirted.

"Oh and in this world do you have cell phones?" he asked.

"Yeah" I said kind of questioningly.

"Because if so this gentle lady needs to give me her number" he said all too smooth.

"Well only if you ask nicely" I chimed.

"Will you please do me the honor and put your number in my phone" he asked with the hottest smile ever. I gave an approving nod and gave him my phone while he gave me his. I knew then and there something good was gonna come of this.

"Well. What do you want to do now, Ava?"

"I don't know. You decide." I knew what I wanted to do I just needed to see if he was thinking the same.

"Well, I need a picture of you or of both of us" I was snapped back into reality when he said this. It was common to have a picture to put with your contact. This was not what I thought he would say.

"Together. I hate taking pictures by myself."

"Ok well smile" he said as I smiled and he leaned close and put his arm around me. My body was all tingly and the heat from his tan skin was radiating on my face. He snapped the picture and let me see it. I told him he would have to send it to me.

"Well, do you want to go and just sit in the gym till it is time for basketball?" he asked.

"Sure" I said as we walked to the gym.

"What is your hobby, Ava?"

"I like to: bake and decorate cakes, read, go mudding, watch basketball, hunt, ride horses, and shop."

"Oh of course. You made me think you were a tom boy and then you add shopping."

"What can I say? I am still a girl." I teased. "What do you like to do?"

"Well, I love to play basketball or watch it. I like to listen to music with a good solid beat. I like to go mudding only on a four wheeler. It takes the fun away in a truck. I would love to ride horses except they hate me. I love hunting. Whatever the season is I am hunting it." He seemed so cute when he was concentrated.

"What is your favorite type of food?"

"Mexican" I said.

"I love Chinese." I just smiled knowing I hated Chinese with such a passion. It took me a minute to realize it was my turn for a question.

"What is your favorite movie?" I finally asked.

"Any action packed movie. You?" He asked.

"My favorite funny one is all of the Madea movies. My favorite scary would have to be prom night. My favorite action is Never Back Down."

Austin stopped me and looked me in the eye with a serious expression. "After the game do you want to go to get ice cream with me?" I was utterly shocked but gained my composure, smiled, and nodded my head.

He let out a breath that he had been holding this whole time.

By now we had reached the gym doors and I was about to pull open the door when it slammed and hit me and I fell back and hit my head on the floor. I heard Austin yell and that was all I could remember before it went black.

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