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Once again, we stop over at a hotel. I don't even know what time it is by the time I fall asleep, I just know I sleep straight until my alarms go off the following morning. There's no rest for the weary, though, because we're all booked for flights back home in the afternoon. I'm grateful that my sleep wasn't interrupted by nightmares this time and that I was just able to get some rest.

I get up and quickly shower, not worrying about my hair or makeup since we aren't filming anymore. I throw on a pair of leggings, a white t-shirt, and my gray cardigan, along with my white Converse which are, for lack of a better word, destroyed from the muddy puddles in the Devon Building at Pennhurst.

I pack all of my stuff up and meet the guys at the front desk of the hotel for check out. We're all pretty quiet as we move through the motions and I can't really blame any of us. We just experienced something most people would never even dream about. We've been tested mentally and spiritually. We deserve some quiet.

Travel Channel has sent us a car to drive us to the Philadelphia International Airport. I take the forty-five minute drive to sleep a little more and then we're groggily going through all of the airport procedures. We check our bags, go through security, get our boarding passes, and then it suddenly hits me.

We're going home.

I'm going to New York and Tanner, Dakota, and Alex are all going back to Nevada. Our boarding passes say separate gates, separate flight numbers, and that makes it all real.

"Our flight isn't until an hour after yours is due to take off," Tanner says as we walk through the airport terminals. "We can hang out with you at your gate until you board."

"You don't have to," I tell him, looking at Dakota and Alex as well.

"We want to," Dakota assures me and I release a breath, nodding my confirmation.

So, we head to my gate and take seats. There are plenty of people waiting around, but we stow ourselves away in a corner. Tanner and Alex both leave to go and get us all some food, leaving Dakota and I by ourselves.

"You did it," is what he says to me.

I turn to look at him, nodding again. "I did," I agree, smiling slightly. "I didn't think I could."

"Ten locations right out of the gate," he continues. "My sister only got through four out of five."

"Hey, now," I chide teasingly, "I may not know Chelsea well, but she was a badass for doing those four."

"She was!" Dakota exclaims. "I just mean . . . you had no experience at all. Chelsea at least used to join us when we'd break into haunted places as kids."

"Now I can definitely say I have experience," I say, pulling my legs up to cross them on the terminal seat. "It's so crazy that it's over, though. I've been looking toward this for months and it's been, what? Three weeks? And it feels like my entire life has shifted."

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