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"No, because why are we parked outside of a freaking cemetery?" I ask as I glance out the RV window.

We've pulled over so that Dakota can film his opening monologue for the show. In between this location and the last, we had some time to rest at a hotel. Alex is doing better—still tired, but that's expected—and we're now back on the road.

"That's literally the most Dakota thing," Tanner points out and I scrunch my nose, shaking my head.

"I don't like it," I mutter. "I hate cemeteries. They skeeve me out."

"Says the girl who urban explores," Alex teases and I tilt my head at him.

"And I question my sanity every day because of it," I respond. "But it's more so, like, the concept of cemeteries that freak me out. Like . . . it's just a place where a bunch of dead people are buried. When you really think about it, it's kind of weird."

They don't argue with me about that, because I do have a point. Before long, Dakota comes back onto the RV and we're off again. The rest of us take out our cameras and sit around the RV as we begin talking about what we experienced at the last location and what to expect this time around.

"We are back on the road after a little bit of a curve ball, I would say," Dakota begins. "Alex, you went through possibly the most extreme events of this entire road trip and all of the road trips we've ever done."

"The best way to describe it is just helplessness," Alex explains. "Just pure helplessness. I-I was alone, I was pretty much in shock. Yelling for you guys didn't work. The exit signs didn't help."

"You didn't have any communication," Tanner points out. "You didn't have a walkie."


"Alex, are you ready to move on?" Dakota asks him.

"I'm definitely ready to move on from Hill View," Alex agrees, "let's do it."

"Well," Dakota starts, "let me just tell you guys this. There is one thing that drew me to this next location more than any of the other facts." I take a breath, releasing a sigh as I realize this probably isn't going to be good. "There is a dungeon at this location in the basement."

My eyes widen. "A dungeon?" I repeat.

"What?" Tanner, beside me, echoes.

"A dungeon," Dakota confirms. "But not only is it just a dungeon, there's a lot more to this location than that."

I shake my head, throwing it back against the RV wall. "Come on, Dakota!" I exclaim.

"What kind of place has a dungeon?" Tanner asks.


"Like, a castle?"

"Oh, my God, imagine it's a castle," I say with an interested frown. "That would actually be really cool."

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