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"Welcome to Texas!" I exclaim to the camera I'm holding, perched on a picnic table at a go-kart place in the Lone Star State.

We traveled in the RV from Minnesota down to Texas which took a day. I was definitely happy to have a day to just hang around and catch up on sleep. Last night, we stopped over at a hotel in the area and after we checked out, headed back onto the road.

"It's my turn now, and I've been given the opportunity to choose this next destination," I say to my camera. "And, uh, I've brought the guys down here to Texas. They're actually behind me riding go-carts."

Behind me, the guys scream and shout as the cars go whizzing past. I turn over my shoulder and shout, "Have fun while you can!" Then, I turn back to the camera with a smile, laughing. "They are so screwed! They're having a little bit too much fun right now, they have no idea what they're in for. I only get one chance to pick a location so I'm gonna make the most of it."

The production crew with the network has cameras set up to film me while I film myself. It might seem a little ingenuine, but we are on a television show. As much as the evidence we capture is real, we also have to make sure that we look a bit like we know what we're doing. I know that, in editing, Dakota will use shots of the camera pointed at my own face as well as footage that the crew captures of me sitting here.

I'd pretty much rehearsed what I wanted to say about my location, and since I've done all the research, I know exactly what points I want to touch on and what I want to wait to reveal until the packet read. I take a breath before continuing, "We are going to a foreboding and forgotten hospital. This hospital is the most haunted location in southeast Texas. There have been two thousand people who have passed away during it's thirty year operation. There's a unique variety of spirits here. The hospital's resident priest, the nuns who ran the facility, and reportedly, a demon in the chapel. There have been reports of shadow figures, violent pushing, touching, and even possession." I shudder involuntarily, because as much as I want to go to this location and I chose it, it's definitely still toeing the line between what I want to uncover and all that's left untouched. "The caretaker was possessed back in the summer. She spoke in tongues, screamed at the touch of water, and even spewed bile. In the basement, people report seeing black mist, experience extreme temperature fluctuations, and have an eerie feeling of being watched. I chose this location for a handful of reasons, but one being just my fascination and interest in a field that puts such an emphasis on education." I offer the camera a soft smile, shrugging vaguely. "When I'm not on the road with the guys, I'm a full time college student, so I'm hoping that my experiences in an institution that values education and knowledge will help me to connect to this location a little more."

I wrap on my introduction and smile at the crew members that have been on this journey with us, as well.

Despite what people watching the show think of me, I want them to know that I'm a force to be reckoned with. I can choose a location that is just as terrifying, if not more so, than any location that Dakota can choose.

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