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"You're in snow country, my friend."

I roll my eyes at Melissa's obvious words. It's the next day—the day of our first overnight on this trip. It's still dreadfully cold and snowy out and I'm thinking that that is going to be the hardest part of the overnight for me. I'm trying to combat it as best as I can—I have on thermal leggings and a thermal shirt underneath my beige sweater and blue jeans. I have a different, more durable pair of black boots to wear as well as my heavy jacket, my gloves, and my hat.

"It's definitely very cold," I agree, sighing as I sit down on my bed. "And I still can't believe we're filming for a second season."

"No, that is crazy," Melissa agrees. "Like—how does it feel? I've never asked because I was never sure if it would be a weird question but I'm really curious. 'Cause I know how it feels to, like, be your friend and you're on a television show and all that, but how does it feel for you?"

I sit there for a moment, lips pursed. I don't know if I've ever really took time to process it that way. Sure, I know I'm on a television show. But that's one part of me. There's also college-Olivia that I've been for the last few months.

"You know, it's not something I really thought about," I reply. "Like, of course I know I'm on a television show and yeah, I would watch the episodes when they aired, but I guess I was, like . . . thinking of that version of myself as a completely different person, if that makes sense?"

Melissa nods through the screen. "Yeah, I think I know what you mean," she says, but doesn't elaborate more. I don't know if that's because she fully understands or because she absolutely doesn't.

"Like, whenever I was asked to say a fun fact about myself for an icebreaker in class, I drew a blank," I tell her. "Granted, the show hadn't premiered when all of those classes happened, but I didn't even say that I traveled over the summer or went ghost hunting at the very least. It's like . . . urban explorer-Olivia and college-Olivia are two separate entities."

"That's understandable," Melissa replies. "So, where are you headed this time?"

I don't feel the need to keep a lot of information from Melissa, because I trust her more than anyone. I know she wouldn't dare divulge any of this anywhere.

"We're going to the Nopeming Sanatorium," I respond. "It's apparently a place that the guys have been to as teenagers but were too scared to even go in."

"Oh, that's lovely."

I chuckle. "I know, right?" I shake my head. "We just met a couple of local filmmakers who shot a movie there and had strange experiences."

Amanda and Brent Duncan were gracious to let us in on their experiences. That being said, speaking to them about it didn't exactly make me feel better about the night, but they got out alive, so there's that.

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