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"Well, tonight is the night that we will be spending the night in the Cambria County Jail," Dakota says the following afternoon as we sit around the RV, cameras out and filming.

"Say night one more time," I tease, laughing as Dakota throws me an unamused glance.

He shakes his head, asking, "Are you guys ready for this?"

I look toward my cousin, who's sitting next to me. "I don't know if I'm ready for it, but I'm excited for it," Tanner replies. "You know, the dungeon sounds like it's going to be really intimidating. The story that captivated me the most was the Michael 'Smitty' Smith story that he all of a sudden mysteriously disappeared the day before he was supposed to be executed. It just makes no sense."

"There's a lot to figure out with that story," Dakota agrees. He turns next to me. "What about you, Olivia?"

"We've had a history of a lot of physical stuff happen at jails or prisons," I begin, "and we're going back to one."

Before heading to the prison, we meet with a former corrections officer, Darcy Regala. He lets us know that Cambria was difficult to work in because it was so old and didn't have the correct amenities for the prisoners that were being held there. He shows us the ropes that would have been used to hang Michael 'Smitty' Smith, and lets us know that he had a pegleg. We discuss the conspiracy of it possibly having been the employees of the jail that killed Smitty silently, which Darcy agrees could have happened.

He lets us know that he only ever encountered one ghost while he was working there, where he and a few other officers saw a man on a catwalk, but there was no one actually there.

Now, we're headed to Cambria County Jail as the sun starts to set.

"It just feels so much more real after we talked to him," I note as we ride toward the location.

Dakota hums in agreement. "After hearing especially his paranormal stories, I'm freaked out."

Pulling up to the jail is terrifying. My heart is racing in my chest even as we set up the gear room. I don't know why I feel so jumpy—it might be because the last time we did this, one of us ended up down for the count. I keep side eyeing Alex as we all stand around and speak to our cameras, setting the plan for the first part of the night.

"Alex what are you thinking?" Dakota asks. "I mean, are you ready to take on another location?"

"I want to say I'm ready but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous," Alex replies honestly.

"All right, well, let's do this," Dakota decides.

We take our cameras and 'cheers' the lenses, wishing each other good luck before we make our way to the first floor.

"Don't—" my cousins starts and I stop immediately, not sure what he's going to say as we're literally just walking toward the door. "—step on that." I turn my gaze to the floor and notice that there's a wooden panel over the stone tiled floors. "I think that's the trap door that leads to the dungeon."

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