That is NOT Nepeta!!

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She opened the door wholeheartedly, as a tall angel skated right into her home!

She jolted back and went to grab anything as self defense. Sydney went straight to the being and bit him in the leg before bouncing back since he was wearing armor. 

"Ah hello Y/N. I am Gabriel - without the 'gay'. The angel." Gabriel said.

"Gabriel Ultrakill!? What are you doing in my house!?" questioned Y/N.

"I received your birthday invitation. It was incredibly beautiful and pure and I just couldn't decline." he answered.

She never invited Gabriel! He was capable of destroying her whole home! But at least he wasn't here to throw around his judgement, so he could stay for a while.

"See, here's my invitation." He handed her one of the copies she had thrown into her printer, except it seemed to be lined with golden sparkles, similar to Gabriel's palette. 

"Oh dear, I don't know who else will be showing up!"

"What do you mean my dear child?" asked Gabriel. Then the two would have a seat as Y/N explained the situation as nicely as she could. Gabriel put a hand to his chin and pondered. 

"I will make sure nothing terrible happens on your special day, alright child?" She nodded as someone knocked on her door. 

"Nepeta!! Thank goodness it's only you!" Nepeta jumped on Y/N and hugged her.

":33 < happy birthday!!" Nepeta stated. ":33 < i brought a friend if that's okay with you." Y/N suddenly grew worrisome again. Hopefully Nepeta didn't bring in a wild cougar again. 

Their friend bashfully walked up to the front door. He had long dark hair and wore severely crumbled sunglasses. The poor guy even had a broken horn, and Y/N knew how sensitive troll horns were. 

"Equius!! Yippee!" Y/N went to hug him and he tried to hug her softly but accidentally almost squeezed her to death. Luckily she had incredibly strong bones. Y/N invited the both inside and Nepeta took two party hats and put them on her head reminiscent to cat ears. Equius took one but accidentally crumbled it, so Y/N took one and put it on his head for him. Gabriel had seemed to make friends with Sydney; they seemed to have a connection. 

"D --> I brought you a gift Y/N." Equius handed her a big metallic box. She couldn't tell if it was metallic paper or actual alluminum. She went to open the lid and it opened itself, shooting confetti around the room. Inside was a sewing machine, guaranteed to not get your fingers under the needle - something she definitely needed! It seemed as if Equius himself designed the machine. She gratefully went to hug him and placed the machine on her bed. She decided to bring in some board games to pass some time of which Gabriel had never heard of, so they had great fun teaching him the likes of Monopoly and Connect 4. 

"So you're telling me all I have to do is line up four red coins in a pattern and I win?" he would say.

"D --> Yes..? Also they're not called coi-" Equius would attempt to say before being cut off by Nepeta.

":33 < they're ketchup and mustard!" she grinned.

":33 < they're ketchup and mustard!" she grinned

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Knock knock knock.

Oh dear. Y/N had forgotten that she had at least 10 more invitations. How were they even sending around the universe? 

Happy Birthday girlie!!Where stories live. Discover now