Chapter 25: What happened

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Lucy's POV

We arrived to Fairy Tail and tend the injured ones, after that we gathered in the main hall to tell the others about the powers of the demons, just in case we encounter them before the fight they will have with Zeref.

"Lu-chan and Juvia, tell us about Lucefy. Her powers and everything you get to knew about her" Levy-chan asked us

"She is water, just like Juvia" Juvia said, always talking in third person

"Yes, she can do the same things Juvia do, but her water body is more like poison." I continued. 

"Juvia's body is made of water, but it is pure water. That demon's body is made of water, but the is water is like poison. Juvia knows no more"

"Is okay, at least we have some information." Levy continued "Wendy, Gajeel, can you explain us about Apatti's power?"

"Hai, Levy-san"

"Look shrimp, that guy is not physically strong, but he isn't weak. The problem is his curse, if he touch you with his green light and he activates the curse your magic leaks out of your body and poison enters."

"¿Can you explain better, Wendy?"

"Hai, when he attacks he covers his fists and legs with a green light, just like Natsu-san does with fire. Then he fights you in hand-on-hand combat, not any special attack. The problem is when he activates his curse, all the magic in your body starts leaking, for saying some way, out of your body in the points where his green light touched you, and you could said that poison enters through the same places. Is like your magic is exchanged with poison"

"Thanks, Wendy. Now Mest and Mira, what about Mard Geer?"

"He do is strong, but I don't think he's as strong as the others. We did manage to cause him severe injuries." Mira started

"His magic controls some kind of thorns, does thorns have poison and he can also absorb some of the attacks, is like to protect himself." Mest continued with the explanation "And that's all we got from this fight, I think Gray and Natsu battled him last time, you should ask Gray for more information"

"Thanks. We'll have to wait until Laxus and Freed wake up to ask about Azazel, but mean while tell me about E.N.D, what did you learn in this fight?"

"That the guy is strong as hell" Gray started

"He do is strong, stronger than we though, but he only used fire magic. It felt different than the one Natsu uses but is still a fire curse." Erza said

"You are joking, right? The guy was only playing with us!" Guildarts shouted. "When he attacked me I sensed his magic power, he let me because he knew I could handle it.... it's more than what we thought. The reason I couldn't even fight when he approached me was because oh that immense magical energy, I got paralyzed by it"

"Wait, what do you mean?" I said

"Yes, it was like the power of all the demons, plus the power I felt from Acnologia and Natsu's current power, all mixed in just one person, and with this I think I only begin to describe his power"

"That's insane!" Someone in the guild shouted

"Well, well, my brats" The master finally talked "We must let the council know this, if we want to survive."

"But master.... is Natsu" Erza said

"I know, but right now I must think of E.N.D as E.N.D and not as Natsu. I know he's inside E.N.D but I also know he wouldn't want us to let him hurt someone."

Everyone just kept quiet, he was right, Natsu would never want us to let him hut people, specially form Fairy Tail.

"Well Levy, I need you to go and explain the situation to the council as soon as you get the info from Laxus and Freed. Gajeel, you go with her"

"Aye, sir"

Sorry for this chapter, it was a filler but I didn't know what to write so here you have a filler chapter. I promise the next chapter will have action, maybe the fight between Zeref and E.N.D, I'm still thinking about it. To be honest I've never written a story this long, so I get out of ideas easily, if you have any idea comment or send me a message. 

Thanks for everything :3

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