Chapter 27: The Fight

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Natsu's POV

I don't know what E.N.D did to me but now I'm weaker, the little power I had left is gone, I can barely hear myself in his head.

What you did to me?

I asked, but he didn't listen, I shouted louder and louder until he did

"Nothing you need to be concerned of. You will just disappear and if you don't, at least you won't bother me."

Now I was unable to protect my friends, if he decides to attacks Fairy Tail I won't be able to stop him, he might even kill some of them.

At least I can still hear and see what's going on in the outside, but I cannot hear his thoughts.

"Apatti, make all the preparation. We leave tomorrow."

"Yes master"

Tomorrow he's planning on attacking Zeref and Acnologia, I only know one thing that his demons don't, E.N.D isn't planing on letting them alive of this, the only one that will make it alive is him, and me since I'm in his head.

His demons thinks that E.N.D is worried about them, that he care for them but that's not true, he just sees them as pawns, nothing more, they will be a good distraction for Acnologia, that's all. The only one that is suspecting something like this is Mard Geer, but E.N.D doesn't mind since he's the weakest in this new Tartarus.

E.N.D stays all night awake, planning on how to stop Zeref. He knows he's stronger than him, but no that much stronger, he needs a plan.

Unfortunately he plans everything in the area of his brain where I can see what his doing, so I don't know the course of action for tomorrow, but even if I knew I wouldn't be able to do a thing.

On the morning we part to the place Zeref and Acnologia are. The plan is for E.N.D to first battle Acnologia while his demons 'take care' of Zeref, which means that they die while amusing Zeref and E.N.D.

I don't understand how he can care nothing about his comrades, just thinking about it makes me sick.

Apatti teleported us to the place where Zeref was supposed to be, and yes, he was there and beside him was the dragon in his human form.

"I have been waiting for you" Zeref talked in a calm voice

"It's kind of difficult to find a person that even though wants to be found, hides his presence at extreme levels" E.N.D replied in a clam voice.

"Enough talk, I've been aching for a fight since this guy told me you would be coming" Acnologia said in a rude tone while pointing at E.N.D, he wanted a fight, and he was not going to let us be until he get it.

"Okay, I just wanted to fight Zeref" he lied, E.N.D loved fighting. "But since you are here, I wouldn't mind to end your pathetic existence. After all, that's my name right, END, the end. Will you fight me in that form? Or should I wait for your dragon one"

"Now you made me mad" Acnologia shouted and transformed into a dragon "Let's fight!"

"E.N.D, are you going to leave me?" Zeref talked

"Take care of him" E.N.D said, then his wings appeared and flew to where Acnologia was. "You really want to die that badly?"

"I'm not gonna die" the dragon attacked but E.N.D stopped the attack with just one hand

"Boring as always, you just use loud attack, but they make no damage at all" E.N.D send a small flame in Acnologia's direction, when touched the dragon's skin it exploded leaving the dragon with one less limb.

"You bastard!" Acnologia attacked again, but nothing worked. E.N.D kept dodging his attacks and attacking with little ones that caused extreme damage in the dragon's body.

E.N.D looked down just to see that the only demon standing was Mard Geer.

"I think is time to end with you, I feel like fighting Zeref now." He sent another flame to Acnologia, but this one was bigger when it touched the dragon's skin he exploded, nothing was left of the dragon.

E.N.D descended and hid his wings, then walked towards Zeref just in time, when the black wizard killed the last of his demons.

"Thanks for taking care of them, I was tired of their presence."

"They really thought you cared for them, well.. almost everyone" he said and looked at Mard Geer who was bleeding on the ground.

"I really don't mind about them, they are just some demons, you could easily create more of them"

"Yes, but I can't create something like you"

"Are we going to continue talking or are we going to fight? Your mere existence makes me sick"

"You know that I don't want to die any longer, I just want to end with the world"

"To bad Zeref, you may be my creator but I not longer follow your orders. I want to kill you not because you told me to, but because I don't like you. And don't worry, I'll destroy the world after I'm done with you"

Then they started fighting, all I could do was watch from E.N.D's point of view, but no more.

Zeref attacked first, throwing a black spell at E.N.D, he couldn't dodge so he fell to the ground in terrible pain, but he stranded quickly and attacked Zeref. The power he was using was not his 100% but even at this level I could sense that it was nothing compared to what we have deal with before.

Zeref also increased his power and attacked, the attacks continued like this for at least 15 minutes until Zeref talked

"I'm tired of this fight, I'll end it at once"  Zeref prepared a different attack, I could feel there was more power in that attack that in all of the others combined. He threw the attack at E.N.D, he tried to dodge, to move apart, but the spell touched his left arm. The dark magic started consuming his body, like it was eating E.N.D's arm.

"There's nothing left to do" E.N.D said to himself and cute his left arm just before the elbow. "But remember Zeref, I am the one that will bring end to you" In his left arm he prepared a different kind of magic, it was darker, I could tell that this was the 100% of his power, I was terrified by it.

He ran towards Zeref, and hit him, Zeref flew some meters until he crashed with a big rock, then his body started disappearing while it was eaten away by the fire.

"This is you END" that's the last thing E.N.D said before Zeref disappeared.

"Did you enjoyed the show Natsu? Do you think your friends will survive?" I was paralyzed, I couldn't bring myself to talk. "Just as I thought, well.. let's go to the council, I want to have a talk with them"

I'm really, really, really sorry!! I'm really bad at writing fighting scenes and I wanted to save all my imagination in fighting for the next chapter. Just imaging a really amazing fight, with a lot of dark fire and dark magic flying everywhere.

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