I Wanna Get Off (With You)

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He was late. Again.

"Fuck you, Tommo." Harry muttered under his breath as he swiped the once hot dinner into the trash. Louis was always working.

Harry would feel a soft kiss pressed to his lips in the morning, but when he finally brought himself to wake up, Louis would already be gone. They would text a little through the day, but it always seemed that Louis was in a meeting. Harry would try and stay up and wait for Louis to come home, but he always almost fell asleep as the front door closed and felt Louis' side of the bed dip, and at that point he was too tired to respond. And the few times he did stay up, Louis claimed to be too tired and Harry would just have to get himself off in the shower that night.

But tonight, Louis promised he was going to get off early and Harry was going to make them dinner, followed by an amazing night of sex, which they hadn't had in weeks.

Harry  worked for 3 hours on dinner, then waited another two for his boyfriend to come home. Which he never did. Not even one text was received to explain we he wasn't going to show up.

Harry didn't even realize he was crying until he curled up in a ball of Louis' side of the bed and felt the wetness from his eyes transfer to the pillow. Soon, his frequent tears turned to full on sobs, the tears now continuously streaming down his face, and crying out loudly.

Had it really turned to this? His job being more important than his own boyfriend? They used to be inseparable. And now, Harry was left alone in their flat almost all of the time, left with homework and housework. The only time he saw Louis for more than an hour was on the weekends. But he was in his home office, doing even more work.

That's when he heard the front door shut, and the tap of Louis' fancy shoes he wore every Wednesday.

"Baby? Sorry I'm late." He called out to the dark kitchen.

He thought maybe Harry was hiding behind something, waiting for him to come home, then pop out and kiss him. But after looking around for a little he saw a pile of food sitting in the bottom of the trash can. He sighed and ran a hand through his disheveled hair. Louis knew he had fucked up. Again.

He trudged up the stairs, expecting Harry to already be asleep, but what he found was much worse.

Harry was curled up on his side of the bed in a big blanket, sobbing into the pillowcase. He did this. He made his baby boy cry. Harry was counting on him for tonight, and he let him down. He felt like absolute shit.

"H-Haz. I'm home." He choked out in the doorway. Harry didn't even lift his head to see Louis.

"Fuck off." He muttered, breaking into another round of sobs.

Louis hated-absolutely hated- when his baby boy cried. There was nothing he hated more. It was even worse when he knew it was his fault.

"I know it's my fault. I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me."

Harry sat up in the bed and took a good look at his boyfriend. His suit was wrinkled, his hair a mess, bags under his eyes. He may just be tired, but Harry was faced to fear the worst.

"A-are you cheating on me?" He brought himself to say.

Louis immediately rushed to his boyfriend's side, cradling him in his arms, surprised Harry didn't push him off.  "Princess, why would you think that? I would never. I love you so much, work has just been so busy. Don't ever think I would do that to you. Please."

He felt really selfish. He never asked how working all the time affected Harry. He just did it, not knowing the damage it was causing. And now they were here; Harry thinking Louis was cheating.

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