you're my best friend, best friend with benefits

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Harry and Louis have sex in a roomful of their friends, and Harry won't be quiet.

Work Text:

Harry has a problem.

He might be a little bit in love with his best friend, Louis. He met him a little over four months ago and maybe it isn't possible to fall in love in four months but maybe it is.

Anyways, back to the problem at hand. Louis is always with him, and he's always with Louis. Like, it isn't a bad thing, really, but it also kind of is because Louis is kind of touchy and Harry is kind of in love which makes everything, like, twenty billion times harder.

"Can I stay the night again tomorrow?" Louis asks, breaking Harry's train of thought.

"What? Yeah, 'course," Harry says without even asking his mom. Because anything (everything) for Louis.

"Yes!" Louis cheers, sliding closer to Harry. Harry tries not to do the same, but his body fails him, sliding closer to Louis. He lets his thoughts slip to Louis again.

He remembers the first time he really hung out with Louis and they went to the carnival and they took so many pictures and ate stupid carnival food together and Louis won him a stuffed penguin (even if it was only like six inches big and it wasn't originally intended for him, but). Then Harry stayed the night at Louis' house with his five sisters and brother and mom and dad. They stayed up late, watched a movie and fell asleep during it. And, like, if Harry had woken up before Louis and maybe watched him sleep, no one has to know. They went again the next day, and Louis ended up staying at Harry's house that night.

And, like, Harry really wants to kiss Louis. And hug Louis. And, like, do everything with/to Louis.

And there was that time a few weeks ago that really drove Harry insane when Louis came over from Friday to Monday and they went swimming and binge watched The Walking Dead and took two showers together. They had swim suits on, though, unfortunately. That was also kind of a bad night, except not really, it was just bad for a few minutes when Louis found out Harry self-harmed. That wasn't a fun experience. Also, they hugged when Louis left. Harry was literally floating on Cloud 9 for the rest of the day.

They text a lot, and snapchat each other stupid stuff, too.

This time, Louis, along with Niall, Liam, Nick, and Ed are at Harry's house. They're swimming, and it's like midday and-

"Guys, it's raining," Niall says.

"Wow, Niall! Thanks for informing us! We had no clue!" Nick says sarcastically. Niall scowls at him and starts to climb out of the pool.

"Where are you going?" Liam asks, swimming towards the ladder.

"Getting out. I'm gonna sit under the deck, 'm not getting struck by lightning," Niall says, and Liam laughs, climbing out after him. Nick and Ed follow, and Louis and Harry are the last ones to get out. They all walk over to the deck, everyone sitting down.

Except Louis. There's not enough space for him, so he's kind of just standing there awkwardly.

So he plops himself right on top of Harry's lap, laughing at something Ed said. Harry's dead. Harry is gone. He's debating inviting Louis to his funeral or not when Louis shifts on his lap and Harry almost, almost gets hard. But. He's a pro at stopping awkward boners, now that Louis has come into his life. On instinct, he moves his hands to Louis' hips, sliding them over his wet skin. Louis leans back into the touch a little, so Harry starts to rub circles into his tan skin.

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