Part 4: The Flowing Conversation

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After strolling for some time, They sat on the bench, "Everything is good here" She said after a while.

"I am glad you liked it" He offered her a small smile.

Their conversation was formal. Both of them didn't know how to keep the conversation going. Both had different thoughts going through their mind. How were things going to be managed?

In an attempt to make a conversation, Ruchi asked him, "Do you have any hobbies? "

He lowered his gaze further, embarrassed yet again. He didn't know what to answer but he didn't want to lie about it either, "I actually don't have one. Sorry!"

She smiled a bit, "You don't have to be sorry. I just wanted to know you. Now I know you don't have a hobby yet "

He looked so innocent sitting there like a small confused child.

"What's yours? "

She gave him a toothy grin before saying, "I like reading".

Her contagious smile spread through him, "What do you usually read? "

"Everything worth reading " Her smile never flattered. They were shy still trying to make a conversation, trying to make the other comfortable. Oh! It was such a lovely sight to watch.

He chuckled a bit at her smart answer.

The talks flow naturally between them afterward. Because none wanted it to end. It was giving butterflies to sit in each other's company and talk while blushing. They felt good. They felt close. They felt giddy.

They kept no track of time being busy till the forenoon. It was only when the heat started disturbing them and they decided to move back to their apartment.

The apartment they were going to make a home with their love and care.

"I have made space for you in the closet" He had told her earlier and getting the hint, Ruchi was now emptying her whole wardrobe in the closet.

He sat on the bed when she denied any help from him.

"You like graphic designing too. Right? " He couldn't bear the silence in the room. He liked her voice, he liked when she was talking to him, smiling at him, and listening to him. And he wanted to know more about her.

"Yes! It was my hobby before " She answered arranging her cosmetics and jewellery on the dressing table.

"And then, " He asked raising his brows curiously.

"Then I came to know how hectic it is professionally.  As a hobby, I used to make anything that would please me. But when I opted for it professionally, I had to deal with people. And they tire me by continuously nagging me about the colors, font, and sometimes my idea of design even before the completion. I don't like so much of dealing with people and explaining the same thing to ranked seniors. It's hectic. But hey! I still love designing. I don't think I can live without my job. Both practically and metaphorically" She giggled making his lips curve into a full-blown smile too.

"And Why did you choose Software development? " She asked him.

He was a senior developer and the team lead in her father's company that provided IT solutions.

"I just wanted to make money and the profession was at boom then so I decided about it. Later, I liked it so I stuck to it till now" He answered remembering his days at college.

It was hard. Really.

They were left to themselves after 18 years of age.

He was grateful, though they didn't get enough food but they did get enough education to have enough food for life. Surprisingly, everyone from that place was doing good in life. The warden there helped children to get a scholarship for their bachelor's and the bright minds achieved it, he being one of them.

Since he didn't have a family to return at night. All his time was spent in either a part-time job or his education.

When he finally completed his bachelor's, he was looking for jobs but one of his seniors advised him for the masters. He asked him to search for internships instead and complete his master's alongside.  And Samridh was too grateful to him. It worked like magic. He obtained his second internship at DigiSol which was owned by Ruchi's father. He liked the working culture here and also bagged an offer after his master with decent pay.

And that's how her father became his mentor. That time due to higher management being absent he was asked to directly report to the CEO. And while working with him, he learned a lot. His work and patience impressed the CEO and that was why he was still asked to report him directly even when the senior management joined back.

Ruchi looked at the distant smile on his face, "Remembering your college days? " Asked curiously.

He hummed in response. Not exactly college life but yes. Now, when he thought, he didn't really had anything to share with her. No happening school life, nothing interesting from his college, and definitely not office. He didn't even have best friends. Now what was he going to tell her if she asks? His life was never interesting and he was afraid she would get bored of him soon.

His heart sank at the thought. So to change the topic, he asked her about hers, "How was your college life? "

She chuckled at him, "Mine? I can describe it in just three words. Assignment, Attendance, and Exams. That's it " She rolled her eyes making him chuckle too.

"Thanks to my friend, Khushi. She would drag me for outings and made me join a few extracurriculars that helped me survive college"

"Khushi, the dancer " He remembered one of her friends dancing crazily at their wedding. He also heard loud cheers for her and now when she mentioned he remembered her. She was talking a lot. It was like she was having her best time at their wedding.

"Yes, that was Khushi" Ruchi too remembered her scaring Samridh of the consequences if he didn't take proper care of her friend.

When Ruchi was done with arranging her things, she walked towards him and sat on the bed beside him maintaining a decent distance.

Samridh inhaled her floral scent, oh he loved it already.

Her jewellery made sweet sounds and he was sure he wanted to hear them more often.

He gazed at his timid wife who was talking so freely not even a minute before and now was looking down at her lap, playing with her fingers.

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