Chapter 5

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Stella's POV

I hopped in the shower and dressed myself. Magcon tour was over but all of us were staying over for the summer. Mash and I have been together for a week. I nudged Nash.

"Wake Up" I said. He groaned

"Lets have a lazy day" he said.

"Ok lets go to the store and get some food" I said

We reached the store and got some candy and some chips. Nash got some ice-cream. we payed and left.

We went to my room and Nash jumped into  I bounced a little. we watched Jurassic World and Inside Out. Nash had the remote and played Insidious 3

"Naaaassshhhhhh" I whined

"You know I hate horror movies" I said with my arms crossed

"Its ok you have me" he said

"UGGHH" I said. I buried my head in his chest and looked away from the screen.

My phone started ringing and it was my mom. Anything to get away from this movie

" I will be back" I said

He grabbed me and pulled me close his breath smelled like candy

"Hurry back" he whispered and kissed me

I went outside and answered

"Hey Stella how is your summer" she asked

"Good" I said

"Stella we moved to North Carolina and I already changed your ticket" she said

"I didn't even say goodbye to my friends" I said

"sorry I need to go" she said

Bye we said. I went back to my room and layed down with Nash

"what she say" he asked

"My family is moved to North Carolina" I said sadly

He had a HUGE grin on his face.

" I live in Carolina too" he said

"OMG and I was scared of leaving you" I said

We cuddled and his hand was under my head and I wrapped my hand around his abs.

I crashed my lips onto his and we moved in sync

"I love you Nash" I said

" I love you too" he said

We watched movies for the rest of the day and I loved it. I love him

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