Chapter 16

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Stella POV
Nash and I headed to the plane and said our goodbyes. It was time to leave summer was over. We boarded our plane and sat in our seats.

"Just like we first met" Nash said

"Yeah" I said

I fell asleep. After a while I woke up and my head was leaning on Nash's shoulder.

"Hey sleepyhead" he said as he
pecked my lips

"Hey" I said

"Here's your food" the flight attended said

We ate and after a while we reached our destination and we got a cab to go home. Nash was my neighbor.

We went our separate ways when I got home I saw a big mess and saw my mom sitting on the couch drunk

"What happened" I asked

"You're dad died" she spat

Tears came rushing out of my eyes.
"Don't give me that shit" my mom said as she slapped me. What was wrong with her? I ran upstairs and unpacked.
"Dinner" my mom yelled

" I am not hungry" I said

I heard footsteps come up the stairs and it was my mom.

"You eat when I tell you to"she said as she slapped me on the face.

Then she punched my stomach several times and pulled my hair. She left and I was crying like crazy.

I had bruises all over me. Great school was tomorrow. I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I turned it off and did my usual routine and grabbed my Keys and headed out the door.

I arrived at the school I have been to 3 years so know where everything is. I went in got my schedule and saw Nash.
"Hey babe" Nash said as he kissed my lips. I didn't kiss back

"Is something wrong?" Nash said looking deep in my eyes

"No" I lied

I walked away. I didn't feel like doing anything after what my mom did yesterday.

I still couldn't believe it. It was lunchtime and I was eating my sandwich when Nash sat next to me.
"Did I do something wrong" he asked

"No Nash" I said

"Then you are you acting like this"he asked

I didn't have the guts to tell him

"Nash I I j-just can't" I said and walked away.

School ended and I went home and did my homework upstairs. I finished and went to sleep I was so tired. I felt bad for not telling Nash what's going on but I just couldn't.

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