Chapter 27

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Stella's POV

I woke eager to got to Disneyland. I woke Nash up

"Nash Nash wake up lets go" I said like a 5 year old

"Ok" he laughed

I got in the shower and did my usual routine. I wore a crop top that said "She loved mysteries so much she became her herself" from Paper Towns. I love that shirt.

Then I wore some light ripped shorts. I got my purse and grabbed my phone from its charger.

Nash came out from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. His whole body was dripping wet.

Which was extremely hot! I stared at his abs until he caught my gaze he raised his eyebrows.

"Like what you see?" he laughed

I blushed madly and went back to my phone. He got dressed and we left the house. We drove to Disneyland I was so excited.

When we reached there Nash gave her the tickets and I ran in like a little kid dragging Nash.

We went on LOTS of rides. We went on Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Its a small world and many more.
Then we played arcade games and Nash won me a teddy bear which was really sweet!

Then we decided to eat. Nash and I got Pizza. After a ton of more rides and games we headed home I had So much fun but I was really tired. We reached home.

"Hey want to go to a party today?" he asked me

"No I am really tired but you go on ahead I will be fine" I said

"You sure I can just stay home with you" he said and smashed his lips on mine his tounge explored my mouth.

"Yeah I am sure" I said

"Ok" he said

After that he left. I was really tired but I couldn't fall asleep. So I watched Once Upon A Time on Netflix. After 2 hours Nash came back. Drunk!

"Hey" he slurred

"You didn't sleep?" he slurred

"No I couldn't fall asleep" I said

"Lets go to sleep" he slurred barley making his way upstairs he could barley walk

"Stella do you love me" he slurred

"Of course why?" he said

I was curious what he was about to say.

"I cheated on you" he slurred

Tears filled my eyes was he just drunk?

After he said that he passed out. I eventually fell asleep worrying if he actually cheated on me or was it the alcohol?

Nash POV

*********At the party*********

I entered the house where the party was. After a few minutes I was already drunk. I saw Nicole as she walked up to me.

"Hey babe" she said

"Hi" I said

She crashed her lips on mine I kissed back with passion. After a while of making out Cam entered the room and dragged me to his car.

"What the heck dude?" I slurred

"You already cheated on Stella what is wrong with you" he said

He drove me home when I entered I saw Stella still awake. We went up to bed.

"I cheated on you" I said and passed out.

*****Next Day******

"Nash wake up" I heard

I woke up to see it was Stella I leaned it for a kiss she pulled away.

"Nash I don't know if you remember this but you came back hours later drunk and said you cheated on me is that true" she asked tears filling in her eyes

"Of course not" I said

"I was drunk I would never cheat on you" I said

Relief filled her eyes and I leaned in for a kiss.

Yes I know I lied but it would hurt Stella more if I cheated on her again. After breakfast I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and couldn't believe my eyes. I was shocked


"Nash who's there?" Stella yelled from upstairs 

"He babe I missed you" Nicole said


Hey guys thanks for reading.




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