Chapter 28

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Stella POV

"Nash who is it" I yelled downstairs

No answer

I sighed and went downstairs and saw a horrible sight I wish I never saw. Nicole. UGHH

"What is she doing here" I said annoyed

How did she escape jail? She is a criminal.

"Just visiting my boyfriend?" she said with her sweet voice which was obviously fake

"Nash what is she talking about" I said facing Nash who was quiet the whole conversation

"Oh you didn't hear?" Nicole said

"Nicole no please" Nash yelled

"Last night Nash and I were making out at the party it was amazing" she said

Warm liquid left my eyes as they stung my eyes every time they left.

Nicole left after she told me what happened I was actually glad she came Nash would just lie to me and live with the guilt until he told me.

"I hate you so much Nash! Why did I move with you! YOU ARE JUST A PATHETIC LIAR WHO I BET CHEATS ON EVERY GIRL HE DATED" I screamed through the house

"Sella just let me explain" Nash pleaded and grabbed my hand

"DON'T YOU DARE" I screamed as tears streamed down my eyes.

My heart shattered into a million pieces.

"I hate you this relationship is over forever" I screamed

I grabbed my ring and threw it at him. A hurt look appeared on his eyes but I fucking didn't care.

"Nash I never want to see you again ever" I said

"Stella please I am so sorry I love you so much don't leave me please" Nash said as tears left his eyes.

I grabbed my keys and slammed the door and got in my car crying like crazy and drove away. I needed to clear my head away from this situation.

I saw Starbucks and parked and entered. I just sat down trying to calm myself down. Until Nash came in. How did he find me?

He walked up to me and sat down next to me.

"Nash please leave" I said

"Stella please I am so sorry" He said

"I can't believe I spent 1 year with you and our anniversary was in 2 weeks" I said

"I love you so much Stella I am so sorry please" he pleaded

"You broke my heart too much Nash. 3 times to be exact" I said

"I can't live without you" he cried

He was about to slip my promise ring on my finger but I jerked my hand away
So he couldn't.

"I am moving out" I said

Tears filled my eyes.

"Stella please don't I love you" he sobbed

I was going to move in with Cameron cause he was such a nice friend and he said I could if I wanted too.

"No no please don't" he cried

I left Starbucks and drove to my house. I can't believe it I just moved in and I already want to move out.

It's all Nash's fault he does this to me all the time but not anymore.

I walked in my house and the rest of the day I was packing. Nash came back and begged me to stay but I denied.

"I don't want to live with you anymore and don't talk to me either." I said

He started crying.

I left the house and drove to Cam's sobbing my eyes out.

I reached there and rang the doorbell.

"Hey Stella you okay?" He said and rubbed my back as I sobbed into his shoulder. It was getting late I unpacked and lied down in my own room that Cam gave me. I thanked him and I was out like a light.

Nash POV
I fell into deep depression. I was devastated that Stella left me. I was really sorry but she didn't stay. I was such a asshole.

I lost the most beautiful girl in the world. I know it was like a few hours but I really missed her.

I cried until I fell asleep.


Hey guys thanks for reading!!

Let me know if you like the book so far in the comments.

Love you so much

"She love mysteries so much she became one herself"

- Paper Towns

Love you

- Riya

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