Chapter 31

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Stella POV
I woke up and took a shower. Then I decided to wear a floral crop top and dark jeans.

Nash was going to hang out with the guys which I was fine with because I need to get my nails done.

He went in the shower and got dressed. He leaned in for a kiss as his soft lips were perfect on mine. He pulled away

"See you later babe" Nash said

"Bye" I said as he kissed my forehead and headed out the door.
I called Sky I haven't heard from her in a long time and I didn't even tell her about Luke. I'm a great friend (note the sarcasm)

She answered her breathes were heavy on the phone.

"Stella I need your help Luke kidnapped me and abuses me and rapes me. I texted you the address hurry I think he's gonna kill me" she sobbed

Tears streamed down my cheeks as flashbacks of Luke flooded my head. I was about to reply when I heard muffled screams in the phone.

I was panicking I saw the text Sky sent me and headed out the door. I felt so bad for her she doesn't deserve this. No one does.

It took me forty minutes to drive there. I can handle Luke I took fighting lessons for this type of situations.

I didn't tell Nash because he probably think it was weird or something.

I saw a abandoned house. I headed inside carefully watching my every move. I felt a gun to my head

"Don't move" he said

I kicked the gun out of his hand and punched him in the stomach. He punched me in the face leaving me in a bloody lip.

I kicked him and punched him. He fell to the ground as I kicked him several times.

I searched all the rooms until I found Sky in a chair tied up with duct tape on her mouth.

Relief filled her eyes as I untied her and removed the duct tape off her mouth. She fell into my arms sobbing.

I felt really bad as I helped her to the car.

"Stella thank you so much" she said calming down

"No problem" I said

I drove her to her house and she thanked me again. As I drove home to a worried Nash. 

"What happened to you" Nash said the worried

I explained everything to him he looked mad. No fuming

"What the hell Stella you could have called me" he yelled

"I can handle myself" I screamed

"You could have been killed. Why didn't you call me" he screamed.

"Nash just leave me alone" I said

"No listen to me" he screamed

"We need to talk about this" he said

I just left ugh I hate drama. I went to our room and laid down. After a while

Nash came in we didn't talk he laid down next me. We were facing opposite directions.

I was going to leave and sleep in a different room but I was really tired

After fighting with Luke so I just fell asleep. I should really apologize to Nash.

It was wrong of me to just leave. I will apologize in the morning.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while.

Thanks for reading!!


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