Chapter 21

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Stella POV
I woke up and Nash's hands were wrapped around my waist.

I got out of his grip grabbed my crutches and headed to the bathroom. I wrapped a plastic bag around my leg and went to go shower.

I was done and it took me a hour to get my pants on. I put my shirt on.

"Morning beautiful" he said and wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Hey" I said

"Lay down you shouldn't be standing" he said

I sat down and put my leg up.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said and kissed my cheek.

"Nash I am going to Sky's house" I said

"Are you sure you should rest" he said

I love how he cares about me so much!

"I will be fine" I said

"Ok I'll drive you"he said

"Thanks" I said

"No problem" he smiled

We headed out and drove to Sky's after 10 minutes we reached there.

"Bye" I said kissing his cheek

"Bye text me when you want me to pick you up" he said

I headed inside and saw Sky. I saw Luke sitting there. Shoot! Where was sky?

"Nash" I yelled but he already left
Luke shot his head to me.

I started to run away but I couldn't cause of my stupid crutches.

"Stella wait" he yelled as he caught up to me

I gave up.

"Leave me alone. I never want to see you again" I spat

"Stella I am sorry sorry for everything I did. I promise I have changed. I am trying to earn your forgiveness" he said

" I don't believe you. You are probably going to rape Sky like you did to me" I said
He walked up to me and got really close inches away from my face.

"I am trying to make this right" he said

"Why?" I asked

"I did many horrible things in my past and I regret all of them. Stella I am still in love with you. I love you so much" he said

I was just so shocked by his words. Did he actually mean it? Or was he playing me

"If you did love me why did you rape me and beat me up if I refused?" I asked

"I was desperate because you are so beautiful. I am so sorry" he pleaded

"Luke this is all your fault. I loved you too but you ruined it. Oh yeah, thanks for calling the ambulance foe me" I said

"Anytime" he said

"Stella will you be my girlfriend?" he said

"Oh yeah sure I am not dating anyone or anything" I said (Note the sarcasm)

"Please babe I love you" he said

" No I am dating Nash and I love him to death you had your chance" I spat at him

I saw a car pull up and it was Nash. He ran out and punched Luke in the face and carried me bridal style to the car.

"You ok princess?" he said

" I am now" I smiled

He put me in the passenger seat and buckled me. He drove away to my hotel. He got out and carried me to my room.

"Nash I want to go home" I said

"Isn't your mom there?" he said

"Well I went by to my house and I didn't see anyone there" I said

"Want to go check?" he smiled

"Sure" I said

While we were driving we stopped at McDonalds and got some fries, drinks, and burgers. We ate in the car and we reached to my house.

"Stay here I will go check it will be easier" he said

I nodded and he headed out the car.


He guys! Thanks for reading. Kind of cliffhanger idk? What will happen to Nash?

I will update soon. Commet what you want to happen next! I will listen to your suggestions

love you

-Riya ;)

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