Chapter 43

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Stella POV
"I'll be back" Nash said

"Okay hurry back" I said. Nash's phone chimed I don't check his phone but it was right in front of me. It was from Nicole.

Nicole- Aww babe that's so sweet. Love you

Nash came back after a few minutes. I showed him the text.

"What the fuck?" I asked as tears filled my eyes

"Stop going through my phone. It's mine for a reason" he yelled

"Oh I have the right to know if you're cheating on me" I yelled

"God Nash you do this all the time" I said

I was about to walk away but Nash grabbed me and turned me around so I was facing him. I flinched cause I thought he was going to hit me.

"Why did you flinch?" He asked confused

"I thought you were going to hit me" I said

"Babe I would never hit you" he said

"Whatever you know what why are you with me got to Nicole" I yelled

"Just shut up slut" he yelled at me

My heart shattered into a billion pieces. Tears streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall. He thinks I'm a slut. I ran upstairs sobbing.

"Wait babe i didn't mean to say that" he said

"Don't call me babe" I yelled

"Stella please wait" he said running after me

I slammed the door and locked it. I just can't believe he called me a slut. He's the one cheating on me. There was pounding on the door.

"Baby please come out" Nash said gently

I stayed silent and ignored Nash. Whatever I hate Nash. Eventually after many tries he finally left me alone.

My phone chimed many times. They were all from Nash there was calls, texts. I looked through the texts and read them all.

N- Baby girl please come out?

N- I'm sorry I didn't mean it

N- I love you please I want to talk to you

There were many more texts. I ignored them and unlocked the door and headed downstairs acting like nothing happened even though I was dying inside.

After a while Nash came downstairs but I quickly ran upstairs. He was begging me to come talk to him.

I shut the door and went into the bathroom. I grabbed my razor and cut my wrists several times. I liked the pain of the razor.

It reminded me of all the bad times in my life. I was used to it. I changed into some long sleeves so nobody could see my cuts. After a while I fell asleep in the bathroom as blood fell on the floor.  

Nash POV
Ugh I'm so stupid. I don't know why I called her a slut she not one. It's just it slipped out.

I miss her so much I just can't stand the fact that she heart broken cause of me. This is all my fault. I hate myself.

She won't even talk to me. I can't believe she flinched when I grabbed her to face me. I would never hit her ever. I love her so much.

Tears streamed down my face. She didn't even eat anything. Ugh I'm so stupid. I miss her so much right now.

After a while my eyes got heavier and I fell asleep.

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