Chapter 2 - Start of a New Life

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Hello Everyone!!!

Sorry for the late update I have been pretty busy lately with track practice and school and stuff. Also sorry the first chapter was pretty short this one should be longer. Thank you to everyone reading this fanfic. We will try to update about once a week but that might change later on in the story.

So here is chapter 2!!

~Sav and Cat

Chapter 2

Claire's P.O.V.

Simon Cowell. That name sounds familiar but I just can't place it other than the fact that he's my uncle.

"Hello Claire," he said.

"Hello Uncle Simon." I replied feeling quite uncomfortable because I didn't really know this man standing in front of me. He chuckled. "Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Of course. Some of my clients call me that. You just reminded me of them." he said. "Do you know who I am?"

"You are my uncle, Simon Cowell," I said. That was an obvious question the nurse already said who he was.

"No that's not what I meant. Do you know me by anything else other than a family member like by my job?"

"No?" I said as a question pretty unsure of myself because his name did sound familiar.

"Oh," was all he said before we fell into an uncomfortable silence. I was trying to find something else to talk about so it wouldn't be awkward anymore when he interrupted my thoughts by saying something.

"So the doctor talked to me and he said that you lost most of your memory in the crash. You might start remembering bits and pieces of things or you might not remember anything" Well that explains why I have been so confused lately. "He also said you are able to leave tomorrow morning. We will check out then go to your house to get you want to bring with you."

"Bring where?"

"To London," he said simply said.

"Why do I have to go London?"

"Well since you lost most of your memory because of the crash the doctors and I thought it would be best to basically have you start a new life in London with me."  I  really didn't know to think. I was excited but I was nervous at the same. Once again we fell into an uncomfortable silence until he spoke up. "I'm going to head back to my hotel now. I will see you in the morning."

"Okay " I said before he left me alone.

I didn't sleep very well that night. My thoughts kept me awake for a while. I couldn't stop thinking about my new life in London. I finally fell asleep but I kept having this terrible nightmare. I was driving at night with two strangers. One was a man and one was a woman. There was a flash of light, a horn honking, screaming then everything went black. It was so weird.

It was about 7am so I decided to get up for the day. I went in the bathroom to have a shower. I had to use the little bottles of shampoo and conditioner the hospital had in each room since I didn't have any other kind. When I got out if the shower I dried off. Then I realized I had no clean clothes. I decided I would just put my old clothes back on then change when I got to wherever Uncle Simon was taking me to get my things before we left.

After a few hours of sitting in my room and watching TV, Uncle Simon came.

"Are you ready to go?"


"Okay great. I've already signed all the release papers so we can go. The car is waiting outside." I started  walking to the front doors but he stopped me. "It's in the back" I nod and follow him the the back entrance of the hospital.

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