Chapter 8 - Nando's

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*Sav* ☺♥☼

Heyyyy to all of you Directioners!!!!!!!!!!!

So my family is going to Cat’s house this weekend and then she is going to come back to my house to stay for the rest of the week then we are going back to her house for father’s day. We might not get that much writing done so we are starting to write right after we uploaded chapter 7. Thats all i really had to say. Oh wait where are all of you from like what country or whatever I just wondering. You don’t even have to say I just have always wondered if our story is just in our country or other countries a well. It would be completely awesome if it was in other countries but who knows. I am really not trying to sound stalkerish right now but I probably am and that was not my intention. I’m just gonna stop talking (or actually writing but who cares) right now because I am just sounding crazy. Wellllll BYEEEEEEEE

Caaaattt ☺♥☼

Heyyyyyyy girly teen girl girls:))))

Sooo yea I guess Sav is just gonna take all the stuff that I was going to write about...soo beware that I am just gonna pretty much write the same stuff, just in a cooler way:)  Sooo yeah Sav and her familia r coming here tomarrow hopefully if her bro doesn’t have to go to baseball practice SHOUTOUT TO BASEBALLLL woohoo...random ik...anywasy but yeah I am like SOOOOOOO excited you don’t even know and then I get to go home with them and stay at her house for  a week!!!!!  And then yeah...and I am sooo excited because I havent seen her since EASTER!!!  yeah we will probably just be gamin it up with one direction...since that pretty much all we do lnl:DD  Ummm i mean so far my summer has been pretty boring...just playin outside and randomness...idk.  I seriously have NOTHING to write about...umm...oh yeah today I went to my bros baseball game...another SHOUTOUT TO BASEBALL WOOOOPPPP  and yeah it got like all rainy and stuff so I had to go to the car and get the umbrella and it was broken:(((( ikkk soooo depressing:’(  but yea got to start writing the story now BYEEEE:))))  Oh yeah P.S. umm the people who won the contest are in this CHAPTAA!!!!

Recap of Chapter 7

We all decided to sleep in the living room in front of the big flat screen tv.  We moved the furniture around and laid a bunch of pillows and blankets on the floor.  Someone put in a movie and we all watched it for a little bit before we all fell asleep. I was extra happy because I was next to Niall.

Chapter 8

Claire’s P.O.V.

“OH MY GOSH I’M SO BOREDDDD!” I yelled at no one in particular.

“WELL WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO?!?!?!?” Louis yelled back at me.

“I want to go shopping.” I said crossing my arms over my chest and pouting like a 3 year old.

“Well I have to change first then we can go ok?” Louis said trying to make me unbored. (A/N is that even  word? who cares)

“No I don’t want to go with you!”  I said sassily.

“Well then I will have Niall take you.  Since you two have something weird goin’ on,”  He replied.

“I don’t want to go with him either.”

“How about Harry?”




“Well you will just have to go with Zayn then.’


“Well then who do you want to go with?”  He said starting to sound annoyed.

“I don’t know.”

Piece by Piece (Niall Horan, One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now