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Hey guys so we just changed the ending up a bit the beginning is basically the same.


“Soooo...do you wanna break up or stay together?”  he asked,

“I think that we should stay together...I mean we might be able to see each other more often now because aren’t you guys staying in London for a while?”  I said.

“Ahh good I was hoping you would say that!”  He said jumping up and running over to the rest of 5SOS.

I followed him, laughing.  He had just finished explaining everything when I got there.  He was like so jumpy and excited it was so cute.  The boys were congratulating him.  Calum grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek.  I looked over to see a very hurt Niall, he started tearing up.

“What?!?”  He said running out the door the door screaming “#DONEEEEE”  at the top of his lungs.

Chapter 14

Last night was a pretty crazy night. All of the boys had broken up with their girlfriends, I had seen Calum for the first time since before the accident, and we decided to keep dating, and Niall found out about it, and left the party crying.

I had been trying to get hold of Niall ever since he left last night, but he wouldn’t answer.  I was going to tell him about Calum, but he just found out too early.  I just felt so bad that he found out that way.

I texted Harry to see if he had heard anything.

To:  Harreh

Heyyy have u heard anything about Niall yet??  He wont answer my texts or calls

From:  Harreh

No hes not answering me either

To: Harreh

Do ya think i should try stopping by his house??

From:  Harreh

Sure...I dont know if he’ll answer...

To:  Harreh

KK I’ll txt if he does

From:  Harreh

KK good luck

I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I started the car and drove to Niall’s apartment. When I got there I went to his door and knocked on it. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I continuously knocked on the door while yelling.

“Niall I know you are in there.”  No answer.  

“Just open up.” No answer.  

“Everyone is so worried.” No answer

“Please.” Niall finally opened the door.

“Oh thank goodness I thought you weren’t gon-”

“What do you want.”

“Oh.. um.. I just wanted to see if you were ok. You weren’t answering my calls and everyone was worried.  I also wanted to explain about me and Calum,” I said. Niall didn’t respond. He just stood there probably mentally debating whether or not he should let me in.

“Ok fine,” he said as he stepped out of the way so I could come in.

“Thanks...”  I said. I followed Niall to the living room. He sat down so I did the same. He seemed pretty mad at me. Usually he’s all smiley and happy but today he is just sitting silent with a straight face.  

“Ok...I wanna tell you what happened with me and Calum,” I said.  He just stared at me.

“Ok well last summer before the accident, when I still lived in the U.S.  Calum came to America for a family vacation, and they came to Wisconsin, and we met and started dating.  Then I was in the accident and I hadn’t seen him until yesterday.  And we started talking and saying that we had never actually broken up, and we just decided that we would keep dating,”  I explained to him.  I looked over at him and he was crying.

Piece by Piece (Niall Horan, One Direction Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now