Chapter 11 - The Beach

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Sav ☺♥☼


SUPPPPPERRRRRRR SORRY FOR THE SUPPPPPERRRRR LATEEEEEEE UPDATEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE BEEN BUSY AND I KNOW WE SAY THAT EVERY TIME BUT WE HAVE!! ok so first we went to the One Direction concert and that was totally AWESOME!!!! and then I spent a week at Cat’s house after that and we had like no time to write then. then the following week Cat went on vacation and I wrote this chapter by myself but I didnt want to upload it because I wanted her to read it and she couldnt since she was on vacation with her family. then the week after that I stayed at her house for 2 days then her family came to my house for the rest of the week then when they left i had to go camping with my grandparents for 2 days with no wifi so it hasn’t been good. Have you ever heard of the husband games on instagram? well we have been hosting those nonstop literally we have done like 3 now one after the other. And they take forever to do and they keep you busy and yea its just been crazy. AND we still have to write our other story because we haven’t updated that one in like a month and a half. so we haven’t really been writing lately as you can tell. Anyway we only got 1 comment on the last chapter :( that makes both of us sad so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEEE comment on this chaper and also vote because that would be wonderful! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


KK guys ik that this has seriously been a month since we have updated and that is like the longest we have taken to update.........soooooooo sorry!!!!!!!!!!   Well I am now going to explain one of the most AWESOMEST days of our life!!!  KK so Savannah came to my house and we made the super awesome shirts and so did my 2 other cousins...SHOUTOUT to beeeeean u should go check out her account on wattpad her name is El__Al...kk back to the One Direction we made these shirts and we tye died them and then we printed  on it “Keep calm and Love Harry Styles” well thats what mine said the others did their favs...and we printed on our fav tattoo on the back...i did hazza’s Butterfly tattoo...anyway then we drove 4 hours to Chicago and we checked into our hotel, went to an awesome place called Connie’s Pizza and it had GIGANTIC chicago style pizza and I LOVED ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!  kk then we drove to the place where 1D were gonna perform and we got there 3 hours early and stood in line, then they finally opened the gates!!!!!!!  ooooo yeah and like 1 hour before they opened the gates people started screamingggggggg and i ran up to the front and saw NIALL HORANNNNNNNN!!!  but yeah then we had really good seats and it was just the awesomest day ever and when they sang Little Things and it was sooooooo pretty and they said it was seriously the best they  had ever seen cuz like everyone was supposed to hold up a light thinggggg and yeah that was just awesomeeeee...then we had to leave the next day annnnnnd we went to this place called IKEA and it was seroiously awesome SHOUTOUT to bamboooooo friend!!!  kk thats all i have to sayyyyy buhhhhhbyeeee

Recap of chapter 10

“Well one good thing came out of the accident,”  I said, not sure if I should tell him.

“And what could that be?”  He asked still sounding a bit mad.

“Umm...I think...that...ummm...I got my...ummmm...I think I got my memory back,”  I said sounding unsure.

Chapter 11

Claire’s P.O.V.

When I got home from the concert I told Uncle Simon I thought I had gotten my memory back. I figured it out when I was in the hospital and they were talking about going my first concert, and I remembered going to my first concert. My mom had taken me and my best friend to go for my birthday. It was a Hannah Montana concert. I was super excited because I was a huge fan of her. My friend was also a huge fan. I remember my friend moved away when we were in third grade. I was so sad because  we were like sisters. I think she moved to London. I wonder if I could somehow find her. I really want to see her again.

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