Chapter 6 - Karaoke Night

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Helllooooooo Munchkins!!!!!!!

Trying to be on time this week who knows if that will happen because we always write the first authors note then the story then the last authors note so the first one is usually out of date because we usually don’t write the whole chapter in one day.  We also usually get really distracted while writing because we skype each other during writing sessions sooooooo...yea.


Also for all you instagramers go follow our one direction account @1d_are_my_idols we would appreciate it. We are a One Direction fan page BTW. Comment on one of our pictures that you have read our story on here. We just want to see how many people are gonna read this and follow us.


Also each of us are going to do an authors note. First Sav will go then Cat will go so ya.  I don’t know how this is going to work, but we are going to try it anyways.

~Sav and Cat

Sav (the AWESOMER one just ask anyone)

Hiiiiiiiii to everyone reading this!!!!!

This is Sav!!!!!!!  Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

BTW I am WAYYYYYYY cooler than Cat like seriously don’t listen to anything she says at all I am waaaaaayyyyyyyyyy better.  One time she almost made me drown. She took the floatie thing I was using when we were in Mexico and I walked off the ledge thing where people sit that was in the pool and you get the idea. Well her twin brother helped me so it’s all good. BTW I have lost ALL respect for Taylor Swift. But I still like some of her songs. Sorry to all you swifties out there that are reading this. Well Cat is writing about school so I guess I will too!!!! My school gets out on the 30 of May. Seems like this year has gone by so fast. I also just moved to a new school. I have made plenty of new friends tho that's good but none of them are Directioners like me :( So basically Cat is the only one for me to fangirl with. lnl BTW my real name is Savannah we had to shorten our names to do a username so yeah but Cat does call me Sav so its all good I also sometimes call her Cat. Cat and I are like BFF’s even tho we are cousins not kidding ask anyone. Right now Cat’s computer sounds like it is going to blow up and it’s scaring me.

O yeah follow our instagram account. We have had it for like 2 weeks. but it was mine first and I let Cat help me with it after like 4 days and she made it wayyyyyyyy worse. people started unfollowing us. They commented CATHERINE’S ON UNFOLLOW!!!!! Jk not really she gained us over 300 follwers. well idk if she gained them we just gained that much after she joined.   BTW I was the track star because I am just that awesome. Cat couldn’t run if her life depended on it. (that is a HUGGGE Gigantic lie sav!!!~Cat)Jk but seriously. and I was the one who had the spring formal. Also call the number (585) 627 - 0213 you will not regret it. Don’t ask questions just call the number!!!!!! We both did and it was life changing. Not really but just call the number. As you can probably tell I usually write the authors notes. She just adds some of the random stuff. So in most of the other chapters I wrote the author’s notes just cuz I am that awesome.





Heyyyy party people’s this is Cat, and as we said above, each of us are going to do an author’s note, and this is mine:))))))) OHHHHH YEAHHHH and as you can tell by our author’s notes obviously I am waaaaayyyy better and awesomer and cooler than Sav....sooo yeah just keep that in mind!!!!  Yeah so she is like super gross so don’t listen to her ok????  BTW before the whole Haylor thing, she was a Swiftie sooo i mean that i just proof... but she isn’t anymore soooo that’s good:))) Anyways, I guess I am supposed to be writing what I have been up to soooo...I guess I can tell you that we onlyyyy have 9 more days of school left!!!!:DDDD sooo exciting...I just want to sleep in, that is gonna b the best part evaaa!!!!  During the summer me and Sav’s family’s are going to go to Minnesota and we thought that we would be able to go to 1DWorld but nooo...apparently it was just open for like 3 weeks, so yeah now we are kinda mad about that, but it will still be fun:))  And my family is going to go to Disney World, yeah that’s right I get to be at a place where Liam has been so yeah!!  Well I kinda got off track of what I have been up to, but I guess that’ll do:)))))   SEEEE YAAAA PEOPLEINIES (yeah that’s a word that I made up)!!!!!!!!  Oh yeah I forgot to tell you this, but my real name is Catherine:)))  Sav is being very poopy right now, all she is doing is watching the music video for Thrift Shop...WOW haha. (It was actually the clean version of lyrics thank ya very much ~Sav) I am the one that is pretty weird and very random.  I really really hate writing the authors notes because they are super duper duper super boring and I just add in things that are really confuzzling and weird soooo yeah.  Sav said that I can’t run, but that is a HUGE lie, I bet you that I am a lot faster than her, (that's a lie ~ Sav) so yeah.  And I am a lot more athletic than her so she needs to shuuttty!!!  Haha lnl jk but seriously I actually do bet that I am faster than her soo....  I guess next time we see each other Sav that we are going to have to have a duel lnl...  I played like all of the sports, volleyball, basketball, teeball, and soccer soooooo... now she thinks that she is faster than me just because she is in track, (it’s true though ~ Sav) but I am still faster than her, she just is a poooopy... kk byyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guysssssssssss:))))))))

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