Chapter 10 - Concert and a Twist

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SAV ☺♥☼


Everyone go check out our new story. We posted the first chapter about a week ago if you hadent’ already seen it. Hey we also just changed our bio so if you want to look at that then feel free. Sorry kind of a late update we have been busy because of the holiday (4th of july) and all that stuff plus we were writing the chapter for the other story and that took a while so please dont be mad :) Also SHOUTOUT to @ValStyles09 vote, comment, read, fan and all that stuff. Um I dont really have that much to sayyy so BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (dailygrace from youtube voice. shes hilarious)


Heyyyyy y’all...what up???

sooooo if u haven’t noticed yet...we have put up the next chapter for our new book:))  we might be updating a little later than usual, but not much.  Ummmm I don’t really know what to say, ummm I am going to Florida in like 2 weeks sooooo we rnt really sure yet what we r going to do about that with like the updating, we might just have to not update either of the books for that week and the next week will just have a SUPER DUPER long chapter:))  Yeah that is probs what we will do that:DD  Like Sav said, go and check out our bio that we just updated, it’s some facts about us:P  so if you want to know more about us go check that outtttt:)))))))  I really have no idea what else to write about...if you haven’t seen the movie Monsters University, u neeeed to go see that, it is like sooooo adorable, I have seen it twice now at the movies... I love it (Icona Pop voice)  Ummmm welllll i guess this is goodbye:(  ADIOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:)

Hey also there will be more couple things happening like hugging and kissing between the boys and their girlfriends in this chapter so i hope you like it

~ Sav and Cat

Chapter 10

Caire’s P.O.V.

I am so excited! The boys invited me to their concert tonight! I am going to be sitting by the girls. They said that there would probably be some fans coming up and asking for pictures and autographs from the girls but other than that we would be left alone.  So apparently if you had anything to do with the boys then that made you famous, and people wanted autographs and pictures from you.  I was actually kind of nervous about getting attacked by fans.  

My phone started ringing.  It was the first phone the I had had since the accident, so I really had no idea how to work it, and of course they had gotten the most confusing phone for me, an iPhone.  It took me awhile for me to find it, and once I found it, it stopped ringing.  It took me awhile to figure out how to find out who had called, but eventually I found out that it was Toni.  I called her back.

“Hello?”  Toni said.

“Hey Toni, did you call?”  I asked her.

“Oh yeah, we were just going to tell you that we just left Anna’s house, and we are on our way over.  It should just be like 10 minutes.  Are you ready?”  

“Yeah I just have to find some shoes to wear, then I’ll be ready.  I’ll just watch for you guys to drive up,”  I told her.  

“Ok, sounds good.  See you soon!”  She said, and I could hear the other girls in the background yelling bye.

I set my phone down and headed towards the closet to look for some shoes to wear.  I had decided to wear a dress with glittery silver top and orangish pink shirt, gold belt, denim jacket, gold bracelet, and gold high heel shoes.  (A/N all of the girls outfits are on the side)

I looked out the window and saw that the girls were already here so I went grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

“Heyyyyyy girls!”  I said as I opened the car door.  

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