Chapter 7 - Nerf Gun Fight

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Sav!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) (mine has more smileys ) ☺♥☼

Okk hellooo everyoneeeeeee

Is everyone having a great summer for those of you who are out of school. Did everyone see the contest winners. cuz they will probably be coming in this chapter but who knows. If they don’t come in this chapter then they will come in the next few chapters. We might start updating more often since its summer but who knows. Well right now my sister is watching 17 again in my room so I am getting really distracted. This chapter is going to be hard for us to write because i have no idea what its gonna be about soooooo yea.  Nothing new has really happened in my life since last update soooooo yea. O yeah i just remembered. Me and Cat have a One Direction Pinterest account for all of you pinterest addicts. We dont usually post stuff but I am going to start getting on there more often. We dont have very many followers since we used to never go on it but hopefully that will change. The account is Directioners4Life  go follow ussssss!!!!!!! hey also i was thinking about starting a book of one direction imagines. I have written a Niall one and a Harry one so far. Idk if im going to but i thought of doing it. Another thought that just popped into my mind was that I am going to Cat’s house in a few days!! Then just her is coming to my house for a whole week! Then we are going back to her house for father’s day! Its going to be so fun.

Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(mine has more ! marks sooo yea:))

heyyyyyyy peeepss today was my last day of school!!!!!!!!!!!  HIP HIp HORAYYYYY!!!!!  I don’t really get the point of last days of school because you do absolutely nothing...but then if you took away the last days of school then the other day wold just be the last day of school and you would do nothing then either soooo...idk i guess we have a bit of a predicament (cool word ik) so yeah idk sorry if i confuzzled you there i just don;t really know what to write about so yeah...Umm ok soooo...oh yeah i was telling u guys about how i had to study a ton for my final in American Studies... AND I GOT A B+ WOOOOHOOOO (yeah that’s the best I’ve ever gotten on a test in American Studies sooo I was super duperty happy becase now I finished with a 4.0 yeah Ik im cool B)) I really think that you guys should like comment what you think we should wrote about because we don’t really know what should happen...PLEASE help peopleessss!!!!!!!  BYYYYYEEEEE☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ (just add these to a peice of writing and it can spice it up in a second...haha...try it by holding in alt and then just a simple click of the one key...but u have to click the one in the little side bar thingy:))))     Oh yea guys btw PLEASE go and follow Sav’s little sister and my cousin on wattpad, her username is @ruby171d

Chapter 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Recap of Chapter 6

Both of us left the stage.  “You are really good at singing Clarie!”  I told her.

“Yeah I guess that I am pretty good, I seriously had no idea!”  She said.

I looked over at her and kissed her.  

Claire’s P.O.V.

I was scared. I bolted out of the emergency exit leaving the boys in the building.  I HAD NO IDEA HOW TO REACT WHEN HE KISSED ME. I had very mixed emotions. I was scared, shocked, mad, glad. I had no idea where I was gonna go or why  i  had run out.  Had other people seen the kiss? Did the rest of the boys see?  What would the other boys do if they had seen us?   I remembered how much of a big deal they made when they found out me and Niall were going to sing together...Oh great I was just really embarrassed and so many questions were running through my head.  I was so  confused.

I didn’t even know where I was right now. I looked around. I was at a park. Since it was late, there wasn’t any people there. I went over to sit on the swings. I sat down and started thinking over what just happened. Ok so Niall and I were singing the duet. He was looking at me the whole time he sang his solo. That made me feel sort of embarrassed. Then we started just singing, and it turns out that i am actually pretty good.  He had an amazing voice too.  Then we were done  and the audiance was going crazy, and then we went off the stage, started talking, and he  just kissed me. I pushed him off of me and ran away. I didn’t even think, I just ran.  

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