Chapter 13 - PARTAYYY

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Heyyyyyyy peeps.  Ok so we decided that we are just going to have one more chapter...ik saddddd but we need to work on the other story that we r doing.  But yeahhhhhhh sooooooooooooo these last 2 chapters r gonna b the besttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! Wellllllllllllllllllll there is like nothing to say....ummmmmmmmmmmm i saw This is Us and it was THE BOMBBBBBBB!!!!!:)))))  I absolutely loved it OMGGGGG and when they did Teenage Dirtbag thing and they turned into superheros<33  Or the camping part ahhhhhh idek i just loooooved it...kk well that’s all im gonna say so BUYBYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE:)))))))))<333333333333

Sav ☺♥☼

Heyyy guys!!! Here is the chapter :) Sorry if it gets a little confusing but I thought the story was boring and so we wanted to change it up a bit. O and 1 more chapter after this sorry for that. we really want to write our other story and yea. plus like no one was really reading it compared to before. and just like to say that This is Us was absolutely awesomeeeeeeeeeee and  i loved it. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :)

Claire’s P.O.V.


“Now that is a perfect outfit!” Ally said eagerly.

“Niall will definitely love it.” Anna said looking at my ensemble of clothing.

“Do you like it Claire?” Toni asked.

“Yes I absolutely love it! Thanks so much for helping me pick it out,” I said hugging all of them.

Chapter 13

I wake up to my phone going off from a text.  

From: Nialler:)

Heyy soooo sorry but I have to cancel our date:( we r meeting the band thats gonna open up for our next tour  Im soooooooooo sorry

To:  Nialler:)

Heyyyy...awwww I was looking forward to it:’(  Maybe another time???

From:  Nialler:)

Ik same:(((  We r goin to have a surprise partayyy for the new band...wanna b ma date???;)

To:  Nialler:)

TOTES!!!  When???

From:  Nialler:)

Yeah buddddddyyyy!!!!! It’s tonight at 8:) I’ll pick u up at 7 we have to b there a little early...C ya later:*

To: Nialler:)

C ya later alligator:) cant wait for tonight ;)

From: Nialler:)

Yea ik its gonna b da craic!!!

To:  Nialler:)

Lol u and ur Irish slang:P  ttyl buhbyyyyyyyeeeee:)

From:  Nialler:)

Lol...goin to the meeting now byeeeeeeee!!!

I looked at my phone to see what time it was and saw that it was already 12:30.  I set down my phone and headed to the kitchen for some breakfast.  I had decided that I was just going to wear what I got yesterday for the date, tonight for the party.  I grabbed a banana and some yogurt and headed back into the living room.  

“Girls wake up!!!!”  I yelled.  They were all still sleeping.

Toni, Anna, and Bianca got up right away.  Finally after like 10 minutes of trying to wake her up, she finally got up.

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