chapter twenty-fifth

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A/N: I just wanted to take this moment to thank each and every one of you who has been reading, voting and sharing this book. We just hit 2000 views and we're almost at 100 votes! I honestly never thought I'd make it past 100 views, assuming those views would just be myself.

I'd love to get to know y'all and hear about what you think about the book. So be sure to leave comments, so we can talk more together. Especially if you're resonating with one of the characters or something they said.

The fun stuff is coming, as I mentioned in the casting call, it would be slowly paced. Long chapter incoming as it's sitting at around 2900 words without the authors note.

Thank you all, and happy reading. 💜💜

Ashton's pov

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Ashton's pov

She said no.

Well actually, she said "Perhaps once I am back in town we can go together"  So that was a no, right?

Either way, I've never been more abashed then I was in that moment. There was only one thing I could do after that.


As soon as the spa day was over, I called an uber that took me straight home. I packed my suitcases in record time and went straight to the airport to run as far away from my problems as I could.

My flight wasn't even for another 36 hours.

I'm only slightly regretting that I never spoke with Daja about Rylee's newest shenanigan, but with it being her birthday tomorrow I didn't really want to bring up exes. I already had to call her from the airport to tell her where I was, so I assumed we would probably discuss it then.

After failing to get a date with the jewelry world's sweetheart, I tried to get comfortable in my seat with my 'Quiet On Set' book and settled in for a long day and a half of reading, waiting, and people watching.

I should've seen the rejection coming. As I'm never the one that gets chosen, nor am I typically the one who even asks a girl out. My extreme fear of rejection tends to hold me back, but I've tried hard to push myself to at least try a time or two.

Being rejected can cripple you from trying it a second time, but sometimes you have to remind yourself to forget everything and relax or in short. Fear.

When you can change the concept of fear in your mind,
anything is possible.

At least, that's what I tell my clients. Though sometimes it's easier for kids to believe that rather then adults. Trauma can go so much deeper then we ever knew possible, and when we begin sniffing around the topic, it can cause us to shut down completely.

Think of fight, or flight. Fear is a sole perpetrator of both.

While many think bravery is what causes you to fight, the true fighters hold the most fear inside of them. Fear of what would happen, of what could happen.

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