Chapter 8: After-Hours Antics

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As Ian sat alone at the bar of the Empire, nursing his drink and drowning in the weight of his emotions, Selena approached him with the confident stride of a queen. Her expression was a mix of concern and determination as she took a seat beside him, her posture regal and commanding.

"Trouble in paradise, Somerhalder?" Selena quipped, her voice laced with playful sarcasm as she studied Ian's somber expression. "Or is this just your usual brooding routine?"

Ian glanced up at Selena, his eyes clouded with sadness and frustration. "Not now, Selena," he muttered, his tone curt as he turned away, unwilling to let her see the turmoil raging within him.

But Selena wasn't one to be deterred by a mere dismissal. With a graceful tilt of her head and a steely glint in her eyes, she leaned in closer, her voice soft but firm.

"Listen, Somerhalder," she began, her tone firm yet compassionate, "I know you're hurting. But shutting me out won't make it go away. You can either drown your sorrows in a glass of whiskey, or you can talk to me. Your choice."

Ian hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to wallow in his misery and the undeniable allure of Selena's offer of comfort. Finally, he sighed heavily and turned to face her, his guard lowering ever so slightly.

"It's my father," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't shake the feeling that he's still out there, somewhere. And I don't know if I'll ever find him."

Selena reached out and placed a gentle hand on Ian's arm, her touch a soothing balm to his wounded soul. "We'll find him, Ian," she assured him, her voice filled with unwavering determination. "Together. I promise."

Ian met Selena's gaze, a flicker of hope igniting within him at her words. With a grateful smile, he nodded, silently acknowledging the strength and support she offered.

"Thank you, Selena," he whispered, his voice tinged with gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Selena smiled back at him, her eyes sparkling with determination and resolve. "You'll never have to find out," she declared, her voice filled with unwavering confidence. "Because I'm not letting you go through this alone. Not now, not ever."

With a gentle kiss on Ian's cheek, Selena pulled back, her touch lingering for a moment as she looked into his eyes with unwavering determination.

"Now, I've got to head to Columbia," she stated, her voice filled with resolve. "But remember, Ian, I'm just a phone call away if you need me. You're not alone in this."

Ian nodded, a sense of gratitude swelling in his chest at Selena's unwavering support. "Thank you, Selena," he murmured, his voice tinged with appreciation. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a final smile, Selena rose from her seat, her posture exuding confidence and grace as she made her way out of the Empire, leaving Ian with a renewed sense of hope and determination.

As Taylor stood outside Professor Michele's apartment door, her heart pounded with anticipation and nervousness. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation she was about to have. With a determined expression, she raised her hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway.

As the door creaked open, Taylor's eyes locked onto the scar marring Michele's face, a detail she hadn't noticed before. Instantly, a sense of unease washed over her as she realized that the man standing before her wasn't Michele at all, but his enigmatic and dangerous twin brother, Carlos Morrone.

A smirk curled onto Carlos's lips as he observed Taylor's reaction, his gaze dark and penetrating. "Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss Taylor Swift," he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm and a hint of menace. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

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