Chapter 18: Glamour And Glitz

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As Selena sifted through the racks of exquisite garments in her mother's fashion boutique, her eyes alight with excitement, she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at being part of such a prestigious legacy.

Just as she was admiring a stunning gown, her mother, Carol, glided into the boutique with an air of elegance and authority. "Selena, darling, there you are," Carol greeted, her voice a melodic blend of warmth and determination.

Selena turned to face her mother, her posture straightening instinctively as she prepared to receive her instructions.

"Yes, Mom?" she replied, her tone poised and confident.

Carol's eyes sparkled with pride as she regarded her daughter. "Tonight, my dear, you will be managing your very first runway show," she announced, her voice filled with anticipation.

Selena's heart skipped a beat at the news, her mind racing with possibilities. "Tonight? But Mom, I'm not sure if I'm ready," she admitted, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice.

Carol placed a reassuring hand on Selena's shoulder, her gaze unwavering. "Nonsense, Selena. You have the talent and the vision to pull this off with flying colors," she insisted, her voice brimming with confidence.

Selena took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenge ahead. "Okay, Mom. I'll do it," she declared, her voice steady and determined.

But before she could dwell on the enormity of the task at hand, Carol dropped another bombshell. "And you'll also be choosing the theme for the dress," she added, a knowing twinkle in her eye.

Selena's eyes widened in surprise at her mother's unexpected request. "The theme? But Mom, that's such a crucial decision," she protested, her mind racing with possibilities.

Carol chuckled softly, her gaze softening with maternal pride. "I have every confidence in you, Selena. You have a keen eye for style and a flair for the dramatic," she remarked, her tone filled with affection.

Selena's resolve hardened at her mother's words, a sense of determination burning within her. "I won't let you down, Mom," she vowed, her voice filled with conviction.

With a proud smile, Carol squeezed Selena's hand affectionately. "I know you won't, darling. Now, let's get to work," she said, leading Selena towards the bustling heart of the boutique, where creativity and passion collided in a whirlwind of fabric and design.

As Taylor and Carlos lounged in the opulent living room of the Empire, their attention fixed on the television screen, they were interrupted by the sound of elegant footsteps descending the grand staircase. Charlize, Taylor's mother, appeared, her presence commanding the room effortlessly as she gracefully made her way towards the door, a suitcase in hand.

"Mom, where are you going?" Taylor inquired, her brow furrowing with concern as she watched her mother prepare to depart.

Charlize turned to face her daughter, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I'm off to visit Troye at his boarding school in Boston. It's been far too long since he's been home," she explained, her voice tinged with fondness for her son.

Taylor nodded understandingly, though a pang of sadness tugged at her heartstrings knowing that her brother would be absent from their family home once again.

Before leaving, Charlize cast a warm glance in Carlos's direction, her eyes sparkling with implicit trust. "Take care of my daughter, Carlos," she said, her tone firm yet affectionate, leaving no room for doubt that she entrusted Taylor's well-being to him in her absence.

As Charlize made her way towards the door, Carlos rose from his seat, a respectful demeanor accompanying his words. "Yes, Mrs. Theron. Taylor is under my protection," he declared, his tone firm yet filled with a sense of honor.

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