CHAPTER 37: Entangled

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Kaltoom's POV

I've been avoiding Adyan ever since the incident about an hour or two ago or tried to avoid him at least, cause we were literally in the same surrounding and bumping into each other time and again.

One thing I avoided so well was our eyes meeting, that I know I did a good job at.

But Adyan being Adyan wouldn't let me be he was looking for a chance to speak and I wasn't ready, I don't think I'd ever be not after that freakish incident.

We just finished our Isha prayer I and Laila, she received a call and I read it right through her face it was Jalal,
they were now officially dating and girl was in love. She wouldn't stop smiling she left the room in which Afeeyah was sleeping soundly, so I was left to my thoughts.

Just then I heard a salam, the voice that did things to me, the person I didn't want to see right now, I wasn't ready to see him yet I needed to mentally prepare.

My head was low but the scent of his perfume was everywhere in my head and my nostril.. I could literally smell Adyan without seeing him.

That's how strong this man's oud was, but that was the more reason why I loved him he smelt good, always.



We were both silent For about five seconds, because I was counting, the longest and soul eating five seconds of my life, he finally decided to speak (king of suspense).

"Are you sure you won't go home, I mean you and Laila, Khairiyya and I can stay the night here" he said calmly and I could feel his gaze on me even though my hands were fidgeting around the ring he gave me as a present in China.

Dude wants me to go home and leave him behind with the girl he use to admire so much who very much looked like myself... Laah Habibi (No my love)..

I wasn't making that mistake.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I don't know what came over me, I'm really sorry" he blurted the words I desperately didn't need him to be saying.

Well you could have said something to take his mind off it... Then maybe..
My subconscious sassed before I shut it out

"I'm not upset its okay" I found my voice saying

"Really?" He asked and I could feel the smile in his voice I only nodded like a starter class student.

Adyan does things to me ...

"Does that mean I can do it again"?

He asked with his face a few inches away from mine, I could hear the smirk in his voice what the Nutella did he think he was doing?

I'm sure I looked like a freaking over ripe tomato right now!

right now my heart was about to bust open out of it ribs with the way it was beating so fast, I was afraid he could hear it.

He was looking me straight in the eye and somehow I couldn't break the eye contact, I don't know what's over me, or what I'm doing.

~ CONNECTED HEARTS~bykulsumWhere stories live. Discover now