New in Town

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"Here's a little gift for helping me decorate yesterday, Haley. I really appreciate having a friend like you in Pelican Town. It seems so overwhelming meeting all these people." I give Haley a warm smile. "Anytime!" Haley coos, "I was nervous to meet you, you know, with you being a farmer and all but you're actually pretty cool! I loved beautifying your space."
For the past couple weeks I've been giving everyone the same speech. "I'm Celeste, I'm the one taking over my grandpa's farm. I just moved here from Zuzu city, nice to meet you!" I have seem to met everyone, or so I thought. As Haley and I talked I noticed a tall boy with longer purple hair walk by. "Who's that?" I ask Haley, "I swore I've met everybody." I felt entranced, my eyes locked into his slender frame as he casually walked by the town fountain. "Oh, that's Sebastian. He's Robin's kid, Maru is his sister. Well, half-sister that is." "What's he like?" I excitedly asked. "I've got to get to know him." Haley flipped her hair behind her shoulder and laughed. "Good luck, Celeste. He's a hard nut to crack. Besides, there's way better guys here anyways, if you're looking for someone to meet." I gave Haley a daring look. "I think I can crack him, he lives on Mountain Road, right?" Haley nodded and checked her phone. "Shit! Promised Emily I'd pick something up at Pierre's before it closes. See you around, 'kay? And good luck with Sebastian." I smiled before I turned around and started to walk away. I don't know what was in me but I decided to follow Sebastian. It looked like he was in Stardrop Saloon. I took a deap breath and adjusted my shirt before I opened the big doors. I was wearing my favourite Deftones shirt tucked into my black cut off shorts with my trusty Doc Martin boots. Shit! I wore this outfit when I first moved here. Would he think I was an outfit repeater? Does he even know I exist?
I opened the door and saw him at the pool table. I exhaled as I walked over. "Hi, you must be Sebastian! I'm Celeste, nice to meet you." I stretched out my hand. He shook it awkwardly. "The new girl right? The one that took over the farm?" Sebastian looked down as he said it in an unenthused tone. I smiled bigger, I was determined to know him. "That's me! I'll see you around sometime." Sebastian looked up sheepishly, "Yeah, you too. Uh. I like your shirt by the way, Diamond Eyes is obviously their best album." I tucked my hair behind my ear as I couldn't help but giggle a little. "Agreed, White Pony is good but way too overrated. A-anyways, bye!" I turned on my heels and ran out of there. I felt so embarrassed, Sebastian didn't seem all that enthused to meet me. But he did compliment my shirt, and we even made conversation about it, albeit small. I'll take that as a win. I sighed to myself as I plopped on my bed, the TV softly going in the distance. My cat Enoby climbed up on me and purred. "You know, Enoby?" I stroked her black fur, "I have a good feeling about him. It'll take some time, is all."



I sat at my desk doing more boring website coding, distracted as usual. Usually Abigail had me distracted but not lately. Come to think of it, I haven't really thought of her at all these past few weeks, except when seeing her at band practice. Instead it was the new girl. I don't know her name but I saw her as she introduced herself to my mother and step dad. She looked gorgeous with her long purple hair and side swept bangs. She even wore a shirt from my favourite band Deftones. I wanted to run over there and say hi but I was too anxious. So I retreated back to the basement to continue on my work. It's like the one time I saw her was engraved on my brain. She clouded my vision while I worked and was the last thing I saw before I drifted off to sleep at night. I had to know who she is. I looked at the time, 4:00. It was time to meet Sam and Abigail at Stardrop for some pool before band practice. I said a quiet goodbye to my mother as I walked out the door. I lit my cigarette once far enough away from home and casually walked to the saloon. I saw her as I crossed the cobble stone bridge. My stomach was in knots. I butt out my smoke before she could see and acted as if I didn't see her. It was easier that way, she'd never go for someone like me anyways. I said my hellos to my friends and sat down with a beer as Sam warmed up, I always beat him at pool. The little bell rung on the doors and I looked up. There she was, and she was walking right to me! She stuck out her hand and I shook it awkwardly. "Hi, you must be Sebastian! I'm Celeste, nice to meet you." I nodded. She was even more beautiful close up, and was even wearing the shirt I saw her wearing last time. I managed to keep small talk and even chatted with her about her shirt. I probably sounded like such a music snob. Before I knew it she was gone in a flash, her small frame running out of the saloon. "What's her deal?" Sam asked. "She seems nice." I muttered. "She is," Abigail said over the beeps and buzz of the Journey of the Prarie King arcade machine, her favourite game. "We've spoken a few times, she's pretty friendly." The rest of the evening went by in a blur. All I could think about was her, and wonder if she thought about me, too. When I finally made my way to my bedroom I brought out my guitar and started strumming, some lyrics came to mind and I quickly wrote them down. Celestial, you've got me feeling celestial. Follow you down your rabbit hole, won't you show me your world? I drifted off to sleep overthinking our interaction at Stardrop. Could she, too, be losing sleep over me?

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