Bound and Determined

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I awoke the next morning groggy and excited to tell Haley all about our interaction at the saloon. I quickly got my list of farm chores done and got ready for the day, I never thought I'd say I was happy to wake up at five in the morning every day. I put on an extra cute outfit and jetted off to Haley's house.

"Hey Emily." I sing-songed as I whizzed past the couch and bee lined to Haley's room. I opened the door and plopped myself on her bed while she sat at the vanity, taking ages to do her makeup as usual. "Ugh!" Haley yelled, "My eyebrows are so uneven today, what's a girl to do?" She looked back at me, "So how are you? Did you end up talking to Sebastian?" My face immediately lit up, "I did! He gave me a lukewarm welcome but he complimented my shirt and we had a chat about it! I'm still on cloud nine to be honest," I picked up Haley's pink teddy bear and began to fidget with it, "If I really want to get his attention I have to be persistent. I'll talk to him every day, and I just have to know what he likes! Do you know what he likes?" Haley picked up her brush and started to apply a massive amount of highlighter to her nose, "Good luck with that, he never leaves his room. He does seem to take a smoke break around noon. Emily says the saloon is selling pumpkin soup today, that's his favourite soup. That's all I know unfortunately, but if you really want to know ask Robin, she should be in her shop." I brought out my phone to check the time, "Thanks Haley! It's eleven o'clock, I'll grab the soup and go see Robin. You're the best!" Haley turned and smiled at me as I walked past her vanity and out of her room. I walked as fast as I could over to Stardrop. "Hey Gus!" I smiled as I walked up to the counter, "Emily says you're stocking pumpkin soup, I'll take one soup to go." "I sure am! That'll be eighty gold." I handed Gus the money and took the bag of hot soup. I hummed to myself as I walked past all the beautiful cherry blossom trees. It really is so beautiful here, getting to watch the blossoms delicately hit the cobblestone. The butterflies in my stomach grew as I walked closer to the mountain. As I neared the door I could faintly hear the Diamond Eyes album playing. A smile grew across my face, could he possibly be listening to it because of me? Maybe he was just in that kind of mood today. "Hey Robin, how's business?" Robin smiled as she counted cash, "It's good thank you! I hope the farm is treating you well." I drummed my fingers on the hardwood counter, "It is. I actually have a strange question, what sort of things does Sebastian like? I've been trying to get to know everyone here." Robin lifted her gaze to me, "That's really nice of you, Celeste. He loves my pumpkin soup, sashimi, frozen tears, cookies, quartz, most things. He's not picky really. If you ever stop by Stardrop I love their spaghetti." Robin ended her sentence with a wink. "I'll keep that in mind thanks." Sebastian stopped for a second to stare at me before leaving the house. If only I saw his expression, eyes lit up with a small smile. It ended quickly as he rushed out. I heard the door shut and knew that was my cue to go say hi. I walked over to the lake where Sebastian was taking a drag of his cigarette. "Oh, hey Celeste. Sorry about the smoke, my mom hounds me all the time about quitting." I edged closer, "I actually have something for you, I heard through the grapevine that you may like this." I anxiously fiddled through my bag and accidentally brought out a mushroom. Sebastian just gave me a blank stare. My face turned beet red as I looked down at my hand, "I am so sorry! That is not your gift," I carefully fetched the soup and handed it to him, "It's pumpkin, and piping hot." Sebastian looked up and gave me a smile, "Thanks Celeste, pumpkin soup is my favourite, how did you know I love it?" "I just had a hunch," I shrugged, "Anyways, I hope you're having a good day, I won't keep you." Sebastian scratched his head anxiously, "You know... You can always just come visit me in my room if you want to chat instead of stalking me by the lake," We both laughed, "I'm just working but I don't mind a distraction." "Thanks, will do," I started to blush as I looked down, "Hope you enjoy the soup, Sebastian. Have a good day." "You too." Sebastian replied, before I turned around and yet again ran off in a hurry. This was a major win, I can't wait to tell Haley all about it. I make my way over to Pierre's to get supplies for cookies, maybe it wouldn't be so awkward if I made cookies for everyone.
"Lots of flour today, Celeste. What are you making?" Pierre asks as he rings up in my items. "Cookies! I can bring you by some if you like. I really need a good sashimi recipe, I hope The Queen Of Sauce has it on her show soon." Pierre smirks, "Well, since you're offering cookies... Linus has the recipe if you want to ask him." I pay for my items and rush home. I really like Linus, I feel bad for his situation and bring him by hot meals whenever I can. I decided to make extra cookies for him and bring them by his tent in the evening. I get home and get busy. Time flies as I crank the music and bake away. Once done packaging them all I set off to town. First, I stop by Haley and Emily's, then Pierre's, then the saloon, where most folks spend their evenings after work. Finally, I head up the mountain to Linus's tent. "Good evening Linus!" I plop down on a chair in front of his campfire. "To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today?" He asks, staring at the fire. "I brought you cookies and a warm blanket, it's supposed to be cold tonight," I hand him the cookies and look down sheepishly, "I also heard you have a sashimi recipe and I'm trying to impress someone." "Impress someone, eh? Must be some crush," Linus chuckled, "I can have it in your mailbox for tomorrow." I thanked him and made the journey home. I had some farm chores I neglected this morning that needed to be done so I got them done and got ready for bed. I had to get to bed pretty early in order to wake up at five.

I woke up excited and determined. I made sure to get the chores done as fast as possible and got ready, once again putting extra effort into my appearance, making sure I looked good for Sebastian. I decided on black distressed skinny jeans, vans sneakers, and a black crop top. I made my way over to the mountain, stopping to chat with some people along the way.

I walked down the long flight of stairs and softly knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard Sebastian call. I opened the door carefully and plopped on the couch, Sebastian turning down the music, playing Deftones once again. A different album this time. There was no windows in his room, various band and movie posters covered his walls. There was a table for Solarion Chronicles, books everywhere, and I even noticed a bong tucked just out of sight in the corner. His room was damp and dark, but cozy. "You know you don't have to knock, sorry for the mess..." Sebastian trailed off. "That's okay," I handed him the box, "I made everyone cookies and thought you might like them, hope you like chocolate chip." Sebastian smiled, "You're in luck, I do. Is farm work hard?" My eyes met with his as he took a bite, "It's not too hard, I have lots of things that do all the work so my chores are small. Although it's not my dream job." Sebastian tilted his head. "I play multiple instruments, it's always been my dream to make music full time. I'd love to have a band but as of now I'm solo. I write all my material." Sebastian's eyes lit up, "My friends and I have a band! We practice a couple times a week, we are confused about what genre we really want to play right now but I'm sure we could use another member." I smiled wide, "I would love that!" I immediately got embarrassed, I looked down at the ground as I blushed. I didn't see it, but Sebastian blushed too. We were interrupted by Robin storming in. She seemed to be on a mission, she didn't even notice me sitting there. "Sebastian your room is a mess! How many times have I told you to clean up? Maru's room is never dirty. And you should really get out more, I ran into Abigail at Pierre's this morning, she says she's coming over in the afternoon. Try to get out more, okay?" Sebastian grumbled at the mention of Abigail and Robin swiftly left after saying her peace. A look of hurt flashed across my face at the mention of Abigail and Sebastian noticed. After Robin left we sat in silence for a moment before I got up. "I really should go, I've got lots of things to do." I turned around to yet again run out. "...Wait!" I stopped at the door. "My friends and I are gonna be at Stardrop Friday night, you should come." "Thanks, I will." I smiled and yet again ran out the door.


"He really said all that?!" Haley exclaimed as I plopped on her bed. "Yeah! He seemed upset at the mention of Abigail, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous." Haley set her magazine down, "Last I heard he had the hots for her. Friday is a good time since they'll both be there to scope things out, maybe he's over her now." I felt sad at the thought of him liking someone else, Abigail is nice and all but it feels like Sebastian is made for me. "You have to come over and help me get ready. You can make me look amazing." Haley smiled, "It would be an honour."

I continued to visit Sebastian everyday, bringing him gifts or just making small talk. "I've got to know," Sebastian started as he took a bite of the sandwich I brought him, "What's your favourite Deftones song?" I took a potato chip off his desk and took a bite. "Sextape and Entombed, I don't care if I'm basic, they're good songs!" Our conversations were occasionally interrupted by the clicking of his keyboard, even with our chats he still had work to get done. "Same here!" Sebastian exclaimed, "I've always wanted a girl to play those songs for." He scratched his head and looked away shyly. I couldn't help but blush. "You know you're cute when you blush... And when you run off, although I don't know why you feel the need to run away so fast. I hope I'm not that repulsive." "Never," I laughed, "Tomorrow will be fun."

I saw Abigail as I walked home and handed her a quartz, "Here, I heard you like these." Although I was scared Abigail was dating Sebastian I still wanted to be her friend, I couldn't let that stand in the way of a potentially great friendship.


This is just great. If she wasn't already on my mind 24/7 it's a million times worse. It didn't help that she came by at the same time every day. Every time she stopped by my feelings for her grew, I awaited anxiously until I'd hear the soft knocking on my door. You know you don't have to knock. I'd always say. I laid in bed and put on her favourite songs. I tossed and turned in bed as I thought of her. She could be the girl I play all these songs to, and she'd like them too! I couldn't believe I ever liked Abigail. It was strange to think that I pined for her for so long and she just strung me along. What was going on with Celeste felt new and and fresh, and like I actually stood a chance. There was no way she didn't like me if she came by so often. My efforts to get some sleep were fruitless as I tossed and turned, anxious about tomorrow, playing the same two songs over and over.

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