Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

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Instead of being at the saloon as we usually are on Friday's we were in the city. Kade invited us out to see his band and we were happy to come. We were at Pyramid a small, dive venue with a small bar. It had low lighting and beer stained hardwood floors, but an energetic crowd. Playing these venues were different than at a bar, there was a few bands that would play a night and you only got a one hour set. The venue was hot and packed as people danced and moshed to the music.  "We're Collision Hold, thank you!" Trevor, Kade's band member and front man yelled before the band started to take down their equipment. The lights came on once again and music slowly came on as people started to disperse and make their way to the bar. "You guys did great!" Abigail exclaimed as she ran to the stage. Kade wrapped her in a big hug. "This was so fun! Kade's band has some really good songs." I stated as I took a sip of my drink. Sebastian had his arm around my shoulder, watching the people walk by. "Agreed, Celeste. We so need a heavier sound like that for some of our songs, it rocks." Sam replied. Sam and I clinked our plastic cups together. "I'll drink to that." I laughed. "You know..." Sebastian started, "It really is weird being one of the only sober people at the bar. I'm happy to drive today but it is funny people watching." Sam and I nodded our heads. Sebastian looked through his pockets for a cigarette. "Wanna go with me for a smoke, CC?" I agreed and followed him outside. "So, the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies is next week. You excited?" Sebastian asked as he lit his smoke. "Definitely," I beamed, "I can't wait to finally see what all the hype is for... And to see it all with you." Sebastian butt out his smoke and pulled me close. "I love you, Sebby." I sighed under the night sky.


The band was generating more buzz, and as a result we were getting booked for more and more gigs. Getting farm work done was a lot more difficult. I made a hot meal and made my way to Linus's tent, off to ask him an important question. "Hey, Linus. Here's a hot meal." I greeted him and handed him the plate. "Thanks, Celeste. So what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you today?" He asked as he ate his meal in front of the fire. I made him mushrooms, his favourite. "Well, I have an important question." I looked down nervously, "The band has been getting more gigs and it's been harder to do farm work. I wondered if you wanted to live on the farm with me. I have a cabin built, it would be rent free. You would just have to help out around the farm. And since you'd be working you would get paid also. You don't have to answer right away." Linus took a long pause and stared at the fire. "You'd let me live on your farm for free and give me a job?" He asked, astonished. I simply nodded. Linus sighed, "When can I start?" I smiled wide. "Whenever you want! I can make you some hot meals, too. Almost everything is automatic so you don't have much to do and it's pretty easy." "Thank you, Celeste. I'll come by with my things tomorrow. It's really nice of you to do all this." I stood up, "I just want you to have a better quality of life, in Pelican Town we should all have a warm place to call home."

Sebastian came by early to help set Linus up. I was so glad that he could have a warm bed and a job. It didn't take long to show Linus the ropes. I wrote everything down in case he forgot and reminded him that I was a call away if he needed any help. I paid Gus to deliver him some hot meals from the saloon for the first week. "This is all so nice of you, my love." Sebastian stated as he sat on the couch, I walked over with two cups of coffee. "It's the least I could do for him. And now more time is freed up from the farm and can go towards the band." I replied after taking a sip of my coffee. My next plans were to upgrade my house and make it bigger, the band was definitely gonna need a new practice place. Sebastian and I talked away as we finished our drinks. "I better go, got lots of work to do today. But it sure was nice seeing you this morning, feel free to drop by later if you like." Sebastian said as he leaned against the door. "Of course, Seb. I'll drop by later, have a great day at work." I replied with a smile. Sebastian wrapped me in a hug and gave me a kiss before opening the door. "Love you, Celeste!" He called as he walked down the porch steps. "Love you too!" I called back with a smile. I got ready for the day and got busy working on songs for the band. Today was a good day to talk to Robin about upgrading the house, after a long few hours of practicing and composing music I set off to the mountains, stopping to chat with folks on the way there. The festival was tomorrow and everyone was buzzing with excitement. I saw Abigail as I walked through the town square, waving her over. I had found the perfect amethyst necklace when we were last in the city. "Hey, Celeste. What's up?" Abigail greeted with a smile. "Not much, off to the mines?" Abigail nodded. "I found this amethyst necklace when we were last in the city and it screamed you so I had to buy it." I replied and handed her the necklace. Abigail looked it over and put it on, "Thanks! This looks tasty." I gave Abigail a confused look and we both laughed. "Sorry, a little hungry. Speaking of which, I should eat some lunch before I head into the mines. Thanks again Celeste!" We said our goodbyes and I continued onward to the mountain. I stopped by JoJa Mart for a diet Joja along the way, trying to say hi to Shane but he was too busy at work. I appeared at Robin's place, spaghetti in hand. Robin waved to me as I walked in, "Hey, Celeste. What do you need?" I handed Robin her spaghetti, "I'd like to do an expansion on the house, need some extra space for the band to practice. I guess Jodi isn't too fond of the noise." I replied with a small laugh. "Of course! This is the cost and how much material I'll have to order," Robin started as she pointed at some paper, "I'll start in a couple weeks when the supplies come in. What was that cabin that I built for you anyways?" "I hired Linus for some farm work so he's staying there. Here's the money for the reno's. I should let you get back to work, thanks a bunch Robin!" I answered with a smile and made my way to the basement, Robin waving before I turned my back. I departed down the long stairs and through Sebastian's door, he was so busy working he didn't notice me walk in. I came around and hugged him from behind, startling him. Sebastian jolted and looked up, relieved it was me. I handed him some snacks and chatted with him as he ate. "So when is all this due?" I asked as Sebastian took a bite of sushi. "Tonight. I'm almost done, though. And then this other company wants their website revised by the end of next week, but that requires a lot of coding." I nod like I understood, even though everything he said went completely over my head. Sebastian laughed, "You don't know a thing about what I'm talking about, do you?" I laughed and nodded as a response. "As much as I love my girl bringing me food I really should get back to work, there's lots to do. I'll pick you up at 6:30 tomorrow for the festival. Love you, CC." Sebastian stated, turning to look at his computer screen. I walked over and gave him one last hug, saying my love you's and goodbyes.

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