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Trigger warning! Most of this chapter has drama and has some flashbacks that aren't too in depth but could be triggering. The next chapters after are light, fluffy, and fun if you need to skip past this one.

I awoke and untangled myself from Sebastian's arms. It was odd, but nice staying at his place. The renovations were due to be done today. The best surprise of the renovations was an old piano Robin had stored away. It was put in my new hallway beside the practice space. I came over while she worked, painting walls, helping her put up wallpaper in the bedroom, and painting the piano. I painted the piano pastel purple (my favourite colour) with stars and rainbows. My house finally felt like a home, my home. Sebastian was due to get up anytime now. I made my way to the kitchen to get us both black coffees, placing Sebastian's on his desk. I took mine to the bathroom and got ready for the day, throwing my hair up and putting on clothes I didn't mind getting dirty. I finished my coffee and came back to the bedroom. There was Sebastian, still sleeping. Guess he's sleeping in today. I thought to myself as I walked over to kiss the top of his head. Sebastian's phone buzzed beside him. I noticed he changed his lock screen, it was a photo he took of me on our first date, in the photo I was staring at the jellyfish in the aquarium. I grabbed my bag full of my items and set off to the farm. Today was easy, it was mainly setting up the studio and some last minute touches. Later on in the evening the band was coming over to set up their equipment and have a little get together to celebrate the renovations.
I arrived at the farm, waving hello to Linus as he worked on the crops. Fall was the busiest season as a farmer. Even with Linus's help there was still a lot to do. I grabbed the packages, perfectly placed on my front porch. They were the last pieces I needed for the studio and they couldn't have come at a more ideal time. I could hear Robin working away as I stepped inside. I yelled hello, unsure of where she was, as I got to the kitchen to unbox the items. The packages were some foam soundboards for the walls to block out the noise and the desk for my computer. Finally having equipment to record our songs was a game changer for us. Once we upload them online anyone could discover us. I wiped my brow and sighed, getting the packages to the studio was half the battle. It didn't help that the desk was so heavy, either. After a couple hours the desk was all set up. I sighed to myself. Feeling hungry I walked over to the kitchen. Upon opening the fridge it dawned on me that I haven't bought groceries in a while. I pushed the feelings of hunger aside knowing I'd have to get food for tonight anyways, and grabbed some water. Seeing everything take shape in here was too exciting for me to take long breaks. Robin even renovated the living room a little bit. She made more space for my fish tanks, making them look like custom built ins with hidden drawers underneath for all of the tank supplies. After what felt like the longest week of my life, the home was finally complete. I thanked Robin graciously and took a moment to just be, everything in here looked perfect. I walked around and took it all in. All the rooms had so much personality, from the fun wallpaper to the eclectic furniture I had gathered over my time here. I couldn't believe that what once was a small cabin from my grandfather became all this. "If you can hear this, thank you. I'm sorry I don't say it enough." I said out loud to my grandpa. I had no idea if he could hear me from the sky but I sure hope he did. If it weren't for him I'd still be wasting away in the city.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror before going over to the kitchen. I made sure the snacks looked okay spread on the dining table before doing one last look over the place. As I was fixing some items on the shelf in the living room the door bell rung. I opened the door to Sam, Haley, Abigail, and Sebastian on the porch. Everyone ooh'd and awe'd as I gave them the grand tour. "And here's my favourite part, my new piano! Which I hand painted, by the way. Let's get something to eat, then we can start practicing in the new studio." I beamed, showing everyone the little hallway. I couldn't wait to fill this wall with all kinds of pictures. We spent the evening with lots of laughs and funny stories. "I'd like to make a toast," I started, standing up at the table and raising my glass, "To Robin, for helping me build all this. And for you guys, for being the best band and friends a girl could ask for!" Cheers! We yelled in unison, clinking our glasses. Haley said her goodbye's and we got to practicing. There was so much more space for our equipment. Practicing felt so much better too, especially not having to worry about noise complaints. After a good couple of hours practicing everyone made their way home. "I can't believe you guys did all this, it really looks amazing." Sebastian remarked as he stood in the doorway. I smiled, "I'm so glad it finally feels like me in here. My next task is painting the exterior." I replied with a small laugh. One day this place will be even bigger, it'll have to be when there's children running around. I somehow knew Sebastian would be there for all of that, too. He leaned in closer, "Goodnight, my love. You really are amazing." I blushed, leaning forward to give him a kiss. His arms wrapped me in a warm embrace for a moment, before letting go and turning to leave. I watched him go, halfway down the road Sebastian turning to blow me a kiss. I smiled wide and blew him one back before shutting the door and getting ready for bed.

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