The Sweater

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I spent ten minutes fixing my hair, trying to get my bangs to sit just right. I was nervous as hell for tonight, I was hoping today would be the day I could decipher her feelings for me. I adjusted my lucky hoodie once more, made sure my converse were tied, and walked to the saloon. I told Celeste to be there later than when we were actually showing up so I had time to let my friends know she was coming and calm my nerves. I arrived at Stardrop and ordered two beers, one for me and one for her. "You going hard tonight?" Sam asked. I looked at him puzzled. "The two beers dude!" "Oh!" I exclaimed, "I invited Celeste if that's okay, thought it'd be a nice thing to buy her a round." He never buys me a round. Abigail muttered under her breath, stationed at her arcade game. I heard the bell ring and watched Celeste look around confused. "Over here!" I yelled with a smile. She looked relived as she waved and walked over.


"Do you think I look okay?" I asked Haley for the millionth time this afternoon. "Of course, now go get changed!" Haley demanded. I retreated to my bedroom closet, "You think the fishnets won't be too much?" I put on a black pleated mini skirt, distressed fishnets, a cute black cropped tank, and of course, my trusty docs. I added checkered socks that peeked out of my shoes for an added touch. I put on a choker layered with a necklace and quickly threw my hair in a ponytail before entering the living room. Haley gasped as I walked in, "You look amazing! Sebastian will love it." "And the ponytail is okay too?" I ask, pacing the room. "Of course! You never wear your hair like that, and I love the face framing pieces you kept, now let's not delay and get you out of here." "What about a jacket?! It's supposed to be cold tonight." Haley laughed, "Honey, if everything goes good you won't need one." Haley winked while I stood there looking puzzled. Haley pushed me out the door and gave me one last hug before I set off to the saloon. I opened the doors and looked around. I didn't see them right away, did Sebastian really stand me up? Before I could get too carried away in my thoughts I hear a familiar voice. "Over here!" I smile and wave as I walk over. "Hey CC! Sam, Abigail, you know Celeste. I got you a beer, hope that's okay." Sam and Abigail said their hellos in unison, I took my seat beside Sebastian. I can't believe he gave me a nickname, and bought me a beer. If this was what heaven looked like I could die happy. I thanked Sebastian and took a seat. "You just wait until you watch us play pool," Sam piped up, "He beats me. Everytime." Everyone laughed.
"So which instruments do you play?" Sebastian asked. I leaned in a little closer, "I mainly play piano, but I also play bass and recently started learning the guitar." "No way! Me too!" Sebastian smiled and put his hand on my knee as he said it. We talked about all the bands we both liked. "There's this band I think you'll love," I started, "Sleep Token. They have major Deftones influences, the drummer even said so in an interview. They are way cool, they are anonymous and wear masks. This song Dark Signs would be perfect for you guys to play, it starts with this almost siren song, the beginning is just synths and singing. They are probably my favourite band." Sebastian put his hand on my arm, "That's so cool! What's it sound like?" I sang a little bit of the song for him. "Woah.. Your voice is amazing. You sure you won't just sing the song for us?" I laughed, It truly felt like we were the only two people in the saloon, like no one else existed. "You should wear your hair like that more often, it looks nice." I blushed, "Thanks Sebby!" "Anytime." Sebastian said coolly. Sam and Abigail exchanged weird looks. "Gonna get another round, Sebby?" Abigail asked. Sebastian shot her a look, "You know I hate that nickname." "Yeah, you're right." Sam and Abigail laughed. I felt nervous all over again, was I not supposed to call him that? The conversation flowed so easily, there was no struggle to have topics to talk about. "I'm sorry..." I looked down, "Was I not supposed to call you that?" Sebastian yet again put his hand on my knee, "That's okay, Celeste, I don't mind you calling me that. I need a smoke break, want to tag along CC? We can get another round after." I smiled wide, "Sure! Let's go." We got up and Sebastian led me outside.

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