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Sebastian's phone rang as he was working. Wonder what they want? He thought to herself. He sighed and picked it up, "Hello?" It was a call from one of the companies he free lanced for, offering him a job. The deal was simple, full time, great pay, and flexible hours. As long as the work was done by the deadline he could work any hours he wanted. It seemed like a dream come true but he wasn't sure. There was one catch, he had to respond in 48 hours or the job went to someone else. It was big step changing jobs, and not always an easy one. Sebastian decided it was best to get advice from the two most important people in his life. He walked upstairs to talk to Robin first. "Hey mom," He greeted as he leaned against the counter, "I have a hypothetical question for you." "Sure, shoot." Robin looked up from her work, giving Sebastian her full attention. "Say you've always done freelance carpentry, but one day one of the companies that contracts you hires you full time. Would you take it? Sure you get better benefits, pay, and steady work. But that means you have to ditch your other side jobs, and you only have two days to respond" Robin hummed, "Well it depends, really. Would I have certain goals coming up that more money would benefit? It doesn't seem like that bad of an idea to me, at least. But I'd always chat with Demetrius before making these big decisions, that's what a partner is for." "That's some good advice, thanks mom." He smiled. This new job didn't seem too bad, but Sebastian knew it was the right idea to talk to Celeste about it first. Plus, the walk over to the farm would help clear his head.

I finished some farm chores and went out to check the mail. As I grabbed the mail I heard a soft meow. "Huh?" I thought out loud and turned around. There was a small orange kitten on the pouch. "Do you have a family?" I asked the cat. It just purred as a response. I picked it up and looked it over. It's a girl I thought to myself. "Want to live with me?" I asked as I carried her inside. She nuzzled my chin. I put her inside and Enoby walked over, immediately claiming her as her own. Enoby softly groomed the little kitten as she purred. "Hmm. I'll name you Tangy! Welcome home." My birthday was soon and a cat showing up at my door was the best gift of all. I now had plans to see if Marnie had any extra pet supplies.
"Hey there Celeste. What can I do for you?" Marnie asked as I neared the counter. "The cutest kitten showed up on my porch today. I was wondering if you had any extra supplies for her. I don't think Enoby is very fond of sharing her toys." I replied with a laugh. Marnie left for a moment and came back with a box of items. "You're in luck, got lots of items from our late cat. Consider it a gift for saving the poor girl." I thanked Marnie and took the box, setting off back home. Tangy was settling in well, I came back to her and Enoby playfully chasing each other around the house. I got Tangy a bowl of food and she scarfed it down. As I was setting up her supplies someone knocked on the door. I opened it to see Sebastian. I greeted him and lead him inside. "Who's that?" Sebastian asked as he noticed Tangy run up to him. "This is Tangy, she showed up on my doorstep this morning. Enoby loves her already." I replied as I picked up the kitten and placed her beside us on the couch. Sebastian sat in awkward silence for a moment before speaking up, "I have a predicament. Since you're my girlfriend who I hope to have a future with and would like to include in my plans I need your advice." I nodded and let him continue. "One of the companies I work for wants to me to work full time under them only and I only have two days to respond. The pay is great, I can work whenever as long as things get done on time, which is great for the band. But I don't know, I'd have to sever ties with the other companies I freelance for." I tilted my head to one side, "I don't see the problem here, this job sounds like it would be perfect for you. What do you mean by the future part, exactly?" Sebastian blushed, "Well... you know. What if we want to get married soon and this job sucks, so we can't have as good as a wedding as you'd like."  I couldn't help but smile. I've known for a while that I wanted to marry him but we haven't had the talk yet. "Well I say go for it. When we do get married, which is hopefully sooner than later, I think our wedding will be perfect regardless." I'm glad we were on the same page about our futures, it felt good to both know where we both stood. "There's one problem with this job, though. There's this party we would have to go to in the city for the company. They'd pay for us to stay in a hotel for the night and we'd have to dress pretty fancy. The whole company will be there." I couldn't help but laugh a little, "That's a problem? I'd love to go and dress up! We could even take a trip to the city and go shopping together. Man, I've never dressed up like that!" Sebastian had a grand plan for me. He was planning a surprise party, all he needed was a plan to keep us away from the farm for a bit so everyone could come by and set up. This prosed the perfect idea. "Well then, I think I will take the job. We can go to the city, do shopping for the party and make it a day out for your birthday. Then we can come home and relax at the farm." This was all coming together for Sebastian. All he had to do was finish party planning. I wrapped Sebastian in a hug, "I'm so glad I could help you make a decision. You're gonna do great at this new job!" Sebastian called the company on the walk home and accepted the offer. All he had to do was finish his current contracts. It was a busy week for work, and he was glad the band was in a slow season.

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