The Bouquet

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I was mysteriously called to Sam's house one afternoon. I had a small clue why, it was about the band. I walked in to everyone standing around in Sam's bedroom. "Glad you can make it. As you can see we're having a band meeting, after much discussion and mutual agreement we would like to formally invite you as a band member. We don't want things to go all Fleetwood Mac with you and Sebastian dating but you have talent and we need the extra member. So, what do you say?" Sam asked. "I'd love too! Do we have a name yet?" Sam scratched his head, "Well, no.... not really." "Well what sort of music do you guys play?" I asked. Sebastian chimed in, "Emo, alternative metal, some pop, we do birthday parties. Gotta play the popular stuff." "Hmm," I hummed, "Why not name the band after a song of one of your influences, like Cemetery Drive or something." "How about Sam and His Cool Band?" Sam suggested. Everyone gave him an annoyed look. "I think I can speak for everybody when I say no, absolutely not." Abigail replied, rolling her eyes. Everyone laughed and agreed. Sebastian smiled, "Entombed sounds pretty cool, even a little mysterious." Everyone agreed unanimously. "That's an awesome name! Kade said he has lots of contacts through his band to get us gigs in the city, it's a great name for all the venues. He says we could get a call for a gig anytime, bands always cancel last minute." Abigail excitedly added. "No way! That's like, way cool! We'll have to add more practice time on our schedule. And we can use my dad's van to transport our stuff since he's still stationed." Sam said giddily. "When are we gonna officially meet Kade anyways?" Sebastian asked. Abigail smiled, "I think he's coming to the saloon on Friday." Everyone was so jazzed to finally get to know him after hearing so much. Excitement was buzzing through the air as we planned out practice times. "What should I play? I know guitar, bass, piano. There's this one song I'd love to do piano and vocals on- I have it learned already, it starts just piano, then it goes to synths- which Sebastian can do, has a cool guitar breakdown and ends with piano." I asked. "Well I was thinking guitar, I'm best at bass. We can always switch things around depending on the set. You have to show us the song." Sam replied. I agreed to my position and showed everyone the song. "You write too, Celeste. Can you help add more instruments to your writing? We need a good mix of covers and originals." Sebastian asked, leaning on his piano. I agreed and after some more deliberation we set off on our separate paths.
Sebastian hung back, though. He needed Sam's advice. "I'm so nervous, Sam," Sebastian set himself down on Sam's bed, "I think I want to give Celeste a bouquet. I just don't know how to do it." Sam put his hand on Sebastian's shoulder, "Don't think too hard about it, just take her on a nice date and at the end give it to her. I know she'll accept it in a heartbeat, maybe take her to a romantic stop. You've been seeing each other for a little bit now, this is just the natural progression of things."

With how things were picking up with the band I knew I had to do more upgrades to the farm. I ordered more automatic feeders and sprinklers and contracted Robin to make a small cabin on my lot. I had a lot planned to ease things on the farm while we travelled for gigs. I was so excited to meet Kade, too. To think one guy helped Abigail in getting us so many opportunities is amazing.


Today the roles were reversed, I was busy doing order sheets for the farm later on at night. There was yet another storm, we were in a rainy season after all. The thunder cracks and streaks of lightning were calming to me as I worked away. I heard a faint knock. I turned off my music and cautiously opened the door. There stood Sebastian in the middle of the rain, soaking wet. "I heard dancing in the rain was fun." Was all Sebastian said, he stretched out his hand to me and I took it, pulling me into the storm. We twirled and spun, laughing like crazy. It felt like a movie scene, him kissing me passionately as the thunder continued to roar above. I love you. I love you. I love you, Sebastian! I once again shouted in my head.
"Here's some dinner from the saloon." Sebastian said, picking up a bag from the porch and taking it inside with him. I pushed my work aside and we set up the food on the dining table. "What's the occasion?" I asked, picking up a chicken finger. "You always bring me food, I thought it was time you deserved some," Sebastian replied, "I gotta spoil my girl somehow." I could seriously swoon. I smiled at him and jokingly threw a fry his way. "Hey!" Sebastian yelled as he threw one back.

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