Chapter 23

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Shin-hye pov:

I was at home when a i recieved a call.
"Hello is this Mrs Manoban?"
A male voice asked me.
"Yes it's me,who are you?"
I asked back at him.
"My name is Felix and i'm a secretary for the Kims of the J.J.R. company.I wanted to inform you that they want to see you for ask something.In 10 minutes we're gonna send one of our driver to pick you up"
He said and then he hang up.
'Why the Kims want to meet me,i didn't do nothing to them.I already know that they are Mafia cause my ex-husband is a Mafia too'
I thinked.
After 10 minutes i heard my doorbell ring and i went to open the door and there was a boy waiting.
"Hi Mrs Manoban i'm Bang Chan and i'm here to fetch you to escort you to our base.Can we go?'
He asked and i nodded,we enter the car and we headed there.
When we arrived he bringed me to a conference room and made a call,then he left me there alone.I waited there for 10 minute when i heard the door open i looked and there were the three Kim sisters.
I ask them why i was there,they asked me why i abandoned my baby and that made me sad,i had no choice cause i wanted to see Lisa in the future when she would grow up.
Then they asked me if i could give them my blessing to marry her,i was confused at first but then i understood what they were saying and i were shocked,but after they explain to me why she would marry them i understood and i was happy for my baby cause they cared for her a lot.Then they asked me if i could come with them and i was hesitant,but after the explanation of Seulgi i accepted cause i wanted to see how my baby became.
We are now heading to their mansion,but i wanted to know more about Lisa so i asked them.
"Sweeties can you told me something more about Lisa?"
"Yes mom,want to know how she encounter me and my sisters?Then the others can explain too"
Jisoo ask and i nodded.
She started tell me the story on how Lisa save them and their cousin,i'm shocked cause she killed so many people but she done that to save them so i accepted that.
Then Chaeyoung told me what happened to her and i was super worried but she assure me that the wound in her head healed really fast and she told me that her shot in the arm is healing.Then Sana told me her story and i became emotional for what she did to search for Lisa and i'm proud of Sana.
"You're so brave Sana,i appreciated your willpower to find her"
I said to her and blushed and we giggle at that.Then we arrived there at the mansion and the anxiety come to me,the anxiety to get pushed away from Lisa.
"Come mom,she is in the cinema room with our cousin."
I nodded hesitantly and went with them,we reached there and the fear were eating me,but someone put her hands in my shoulder and i looked at her.
"Don't worry mom.At first she will be shocked but then she want to know everything."
Seulgi said to me trying to calm me and it worked a little bit.I sigh and nodded at them and let them enter first.I heard Lisa voice after years and i almost cried.
"Hey girls already talk with who you have to talk?"
She asked them.
"Yes baby and she is here,cause she want to see you"
Sana said.
"Oh and where is she?Do i know her?"
She asked again.
"Yes baby you know her really well,come in"
She said and i entered,when i looked at her i couldn't contain my tears anymore and i cried.
"Hey Mommy don't cry,i miss you soo much,please don't go away anymore.I know that you didn't have any choice but you could at least tell me why you needed to go away"
Lisa said while hugging me and cried too.
"I'm so sorry baby"
That's the only thing i can say.
"Mommy don't be sorry,i know that you will never do that by your own will.And please stop crying,i always hated see you cry."
She said to me while still crying.
"I will stop crying when you stop,i promise baby"
I said to her and she started to crying less until she were only sobbing.I calmed down too but i still hugged her tightly.
"Are you okay now Mommy?"
She asked me,i giggled and said.
"I should be the one to asked that to you baby"
She giggled too and then i looked at the others in the room and they were crying aswell,Lisa looked at them too and her eyes widen.
"Yahhh my Queens why are you all crying,please stop you know how i hate to see you all cry"
She said to them and i looked at her proudly,they stopped crying and Lisa hugged them and then kiss their cheek and head,i looked at the girls and they were a blushing mess and i giggled.
"Baby come here,i want to hug you properly"
I said to her and she came and hugged me tightly.
"Mommy you still didn't promise me that you will never leave me again,it means that you will go again?"
She asked me sadly,i smiled at her and shake my head.
"No baby,your mommy will never leave you again if your girls want me to stay here"
I said to her and then looked at them.
"Mom you can live here it's not a problem,we have a lot of bedrooms here."
Jennie said to me still wiping her tears.
"Thank you so much sweeties,if it wasn't for you all i would have meet her after so much later,i will forever be grate to you."
I said to them and hugged them,they hugged back and then they decided to go and do the breakfast.
"Mommy can i know now why you have to leave me?"
Lisa asked me while eating and thanks the maid who bring her the pancakes,i saw the maid blush and the girl glare at her,this baby of mine it's a magnet for girls,i then decided to respond her.
"You sure you want to know the reason baby?"
I asked her and she nodded.
"But promise that you will hear all the story without doing anything"
I said and she nodded again.
"So actually it was your father forced me to leave you,cause he said that you were becoming too much soft hearted like me and he said that you couldn't protect yourself anymore,but you were only 7 and at that age you don't have to protect anyone.But he insisted and one day he warned me to leave you or he would have take you by force and if i tried to oppose him je would have killed me.So i decided to leave you cause i wanted to see you when you would have grow up.I'm sorry baby that i didn't fight him but i wanted to see you when you grow up."
I said to her while some tears left my eyes,she come to me and wiped my eyes and hugged me.
"Mommy don't cry it's not your fault and you took the right decision"
She said to me and continued soothing me,then her aura darkened and said.
"Girls can you call my dad here now and if he don't accept,i will go to him and i don't assure him that i will spare him"
Jisoo took immediatly her phone and done a call.
"Yes Min-ho you have to come here,NOW!"
She yelled at him and we waited for him.My baby have this dark aura so i went to her and hugged her.
"Hey baby stay calm okay i'm here"
I said to her,her aura became again cozy and calm.
After a while we heard the doorbell ring and the maid went to open the door.I saw again the man who long time ago were the man of my life but now it's nothing.He then looked at me and was shocked.
He said while looking at me but Lisa intervined.
"You don't have the right to even look at her"
Lisa said angry.
"How dare you talk to me like th-"
He didn't have the chance to finish when a slap echoed trough the room,i looked at Lisa and she were fuming.
"I talk to you like i want.After what mommy told me what you did i don't have even the minimum respect for you.You always said to me that mommy left me cause she didn't want me but i never believe you and i'm that i did that.I always respect you as father but now i don't care anymore."
She said to him and you could see the speachless expression he has.And then intervine.
"I remember you that you still have a debts with us Min-ho"
Jisoo said and smirked.
"But you said that if i gave you my daughter my debit should be payed"
He said and there Lisa snapped.
"You fucking sold me for pay your stupid debts?It seems that the respect i gave you was never worth it"
She tried to attack him but i stopped her.
"Baby don't do that it's still your father."
But she snatched her hand away from me.
"No mommy she is not my father anymore,after she sold me.But i'm still gratefull cause if he hadn't sold me,i would never find my future wifes"
She said,he tried to talk but she stopped him.
"Don't even try to beg me or something like that cause now it's all up to my Queens to decide your destiny and don't try to sold your other family too"
She said to him and he shutted himself.
"Jisoo can we bring here even his other family,i never met them"
She asked to Jisoo and she nodded and made another call.
"Shin-hye you don't say anything in how Lisa is treating his father"
He said to me.
"Why do you even think that i will take your side huh? 12 years,12 fucking years i stayed away from her cause of you do yoj think that i will ever forget you?You don't have anymore effect on me,i hope that my sweeties made you suffer."
I spat to him,he was left dumbfounded.
"But she was becoming like you,too much a soft-hearted she had to know how to defend herself from other Mafia"
He said.
"Do you think that she wanted become a Mafia stupid man,do you ever consider your daughter passion or hobby.It seems that you never cared about her cause you sold her to us in almost an instant and i know why you do that,cause you thinked that we will be stupid to not knowing your plan.You thinked that if Lisa married us,she were taking our mafia and you could be always protected by us cause you're her father"
Rose yelled at him and he looked scared.
"No no that was not my plan,actually i was happy that Lisa were gonna marry someone cause she doesn't know how to love and-"
"Do you think she doesn't know how to love someone? But it's not true,cause she dimostred us more then 1 time that she love us.I'm sorry Min-ho i always respected your decision about Lisa and always think that she had to forgive you but i think i was always wrong"
Seulgi interrupted him and spat that angrily.
"You are the one talking Seulgi you're a co-"
And he was interrupted by a punch this time.
"Don't you dare to insult any of them,i let it slide the things you said to me but if you ever tell even one of their name i will no hesitate to kill you"
Lisa said with a murderous aura,he was shocked.
"Do you know why i have this kind of aura?It's because of you i learned after years of your stupid teaching about having no mercy.Want to test your teaching now?"
She said while looking straight in his eyes,he looked down and didn't say anything more.
"Like i was expecting,you created something that you can't control.We will waiting for your other family and there we will discuss with them"
Lisa said and then looked around and saw everyone frightened.
"Mommy,Queens did i scared you?I'm sorry but i couldn't control myself i'm sorry"
This baby and her duality,so adorable we smiled at her and then hugged her and then we headed to their office here but before we could exit Lisa turn to one of their men and said.
"Cuff him and bring him there in their office"
And with that we finally headed there to the office.


Hi guys how are you?
I was debated if doing Lisa father a good one or a shit one so i decided to do the shitty one cause i liked more,hope you liked it too.
Have a good days guys.

Happy birthday to the queen.

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