Chapter 22

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Lisa pov:

I woke up surrounded by the girls and on top there were Sana and Rose.After i saw Rose i remembered her punishment,she escaped that for 2 days but now she can't escape so i woke them up.
"Goodmorning girls"
I said to them while smiling,they started woke up one by one.
"Goodmorning Baby,why you happy and already awake?"
Rose asked me,i smirked at her and said.
"Oh Chipmunk it's time for your punishment"
She stiffened and gulp down and then said.
"But Baby you have to go to school"
Jennie said trying to save Rose from me.
"Today it's saturday and i don't have any class.So want to stay here and watch her getting punished?"
I said to them while smirking.
"Nobody responded so i think that it's time,oppas you have to go out cause Rose need to take off her pants,so go out now"
They obeyed and went out.I sign Rose to go and she took of her pants and then i sign her to come to me and she come,i laid her in my legs and started spanking her,at her 50 spank i saw her butt too red,so i stopped.
"Ok i think that's enough,cause it's the first time and i don't want to hurt you so much Chipmunk.Nini can you please bring me a cream to relieve the pain"
I askek,she nodded and went to the bathroom,after 2 minute she came back and handed me the cream.
"Chipmunk this will a little bit cold so please endure"
I said to Rose and she blushed and nodded,after i finished spread the cream Rose immediatly got up and went to the bathroom,i looked worried at them and they were all blushing.
"Girls do you think i went to hard on Chipmunk?"
I asked them concerned,they shaked their head and then looked down at my pants,i looked too and saw that little lily were awake.
"Girls why are you looking at little lily?"
I asked them confused,Chaeyoung were shocked and Sana then whisper to her.
"I'm back"
I heard Rose said,i went immediatly to her and hugged her.
"Are you angry with me Chipmunk?Should i change the punishment?"
I asked her concerned,she held my chin and let me look at her,i looked at her and she were smiling.
"Baby i'm okay and i'm not angry with you.And you don't have to change the punishment actually i enjoyed"
Rose said to me and i looked at her confused.
I ask her puzzled.She froze and then immediatly responded.
"Not enjoyed but i understand my lesson"
She said to me while smiling nervous,i shrug it off and nodded.
I looked at Jisoo who pick up the phone and talked to someone when she hang up she signed at the others.
"Baby can you stay here with Jungkook and V? Because we have errands to do,okay"
She asked me,i nodded and then bid goodbye to them.
"Bye girls.Please if something happened call here okay?"
"Goodbye Baby.And don't worry we have only to talk with someone"
Jisoo responded and then they go.

Jisoo pov:

I recieve a call from Bang Chan that told me that they found Lisa mother and escorted her to our base.
"Unnie what happened?"
Jeongyeon asked me.
"They found Lisa mother and they escorted them at our base"
I said to them and then asked Seulgi and Jeongyeon.
"Seulgi,Jeongyeon how is Lisa mother?"
"She is a lovely and caring person.I still don't know why she left Lisa,i know that she is so much affectionate to her"
Jeong said,i nodded and we headed there,when we arrived we found a woman sit down there in our conference room.
"Hi Mrs Manoban"
She turned around to us and looked at us.
"Hi Miss Kims.Can i know why i'm here?"
She asked us confused.
"You're here cause we want to know some information but before we present ourself"
I said to her then we all entered and when she saw Jeong and Seulgi gasped and looked down.
"I know i don't have the right now,but Seulgi Jeongyeon can i know how is Lisa?She is okay with her new family?"
She asked whispering.
"Shin-hye she is good now,but she ran away from her new family cause she didn't want to see Min-ho married again.She is still hurt about you"
Seulgi said sadly,Shin-hye nodded and then looked at us sadly.
"Actually Mrs Manoban-"
She interrupted me and said.
"Park,Ms Park,i'm not married anymore"
She corrected me and i nodded and continued.
"Ms Park we are here actually to talk to you  and ask some information"
I said and she nodded.
"First,we want to know why you left Lisa and without any warming or anything"
I asked her and she stiffened but after a second she regain her composure and sigh.
"I have to do that cause her father forced me to leave her,he said that she were becoming too much soft-hearted and she couldn't defend herself from anyone,in short words she was becoming like me.I tried everything to go against him but he insisted and then warned me that if i didn't leave he would have take her by force from me and if i tried to fight back he would have killed me so i didn't have any choice then to go away,i thinked that one day when she grow up come and search me.I'm still regretting what i done but i do that cause i wanted to live to see how Lisa will become"
She said while crying,we felt sad too for her story and sympathize her.
"Don't worry Shin-hye,now she is a strong girl but she have your kind-heart and she is even a pure person and an innocent one"
Jeongyeon said to her while smiling,Shin-hye smiled at that and asked us.
"Can i know how she become and some story of her"
"You can Ms Park.She is a super gorgeous woman and a strong one,she is now in our university and she take photography as her main course.She have this duality that switch from a baby to a serious person and she is the most cute person i ever seen"
Irene said.
"So she kept the photography passion,that was something that when she was with ms always does,i don't think if she keep my camera."
She then said sadly.
"Shin-hye i assure you that everything that you gave she keep it like a treasure,i know that you think she hate you but she don't,she miss you so much and always thinked when you would have comeback"
Seulgi said to her.
"Ohh my poor baby,how many thinghs she had to go trought when i weren't there"
She said sadly.
"Miss park-"
She interrupted me again.
"Call me Shin-hye okay?"
"Okay Shin-hye,then call us with our name too,i'm Jisoo Kim"
I said and then everyone presented themself,she nodded and let me continue.
"The second thing is that we want to see you to gave us the blessing to marry your daughter"
I said and she looked confused.
"Yes,actually we all gonna marry her"
I said and she looked at us mouth agape.
"Actually we are still not all cause she want more girls before and then we are gonna marry her"
I said and she looked more shocked than before.
"Aish that baby of mine can't settle for 9 girls"
She said and snickered amd we laugh.
"We don't mind Shin-hye cause she tell us her reason and we accepted that cause we know that she have so much love in her heart and we know that she will never neglect any of us"
Nayeon said.
"But where is the other girl then?"
She asked us confused.
"She still are waiting for the right one,she said that the fate will bring them to her"
Jennie said and Shin-hye chukled.
"That baby really have a lot of love i know that already when she was kid.She would help everyperson she see,she always try to see the light even in the darkest person"
She said and we nodded agreeing with her.
"You all gonna marry her then?"
She said to us and we nodded,then looked at Seulgi and Jeong.
"That means that you 2 coward finally confessed to her huh?For how long do you think you could keep that in your heart huh"
She said teasingly to Jeong and Seulgi,they were shocked by the revelations.
"Shin-hye how do you know that we loved her?"
Seulgi said and Shin-hye face palmed.
"You two are really obvious,always come to our house when yoh were still kids and everytime you have the occasion you held her hands or kiss her in the cheek her.But you were too much scared that she didn't loved you,but for her you were already in her heart and she loved you too"
She said,Jeong and Seulgi were shocked,we chukled and the i asked her a question.
"You don't have anything against us,cause we are Mafia"
"I don't cause you all seems good girls.I don't mind let her marry you cause i see in you that you really care for her.But if any of you will hurt my baby i assure you that i will take her away from you"
She said seriously.
"Don't worry Shin-hye we already have a pact with our butler Alfred and he said the same thing"
We said and she smiled.
"So you're okay and give us the blessing to marry her?"
I said and we looked at her waiting.
"Yes i am"
She said and we smiled widely.
"And from now,call me Mom okay?"
She said and we nodded.
"Then mom,i have only one last request."
I asked and she nodded.
"Do you mind come to our mansion and encounter Lisa"
She stiffened and we waited some minute before her response.
"But i don't know if Lisa will be fine in seeing me again,what if she will be hurt by seeing me"
"Like i said before mom,she miss you so much,she only want an answer from you"
Seulgi said,we waited for some times and then she responded.
"Okay i will come,i want to see my baby"
After her response i call the maids and told them to prepare the breakfast and then we headed to the mansion.


Hi guys how are you?
I hope you liked the charapter and i hope you will still read this,i know it's a little bit slow.
Have a good day guys.

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