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A century has passed since nuclear Armageddon plunged Earth into nuclear winter and against all odds, Matt Black and his team saved the Lunar Colony from annihilation. For the remnants of humankind, returning to Earth is not an option and living inside the Luna paradise, has imposed limitations on humankind, so the new focus is outward, toward the solar system and the stars.

A new age has dawned since the technological legacy bequeathed by humankind's ancient space-going ancestors has been backward engineered and fused with modern human technology. The resulting hybrid technology is set to jumpstart the next technological human evolution.

Over the last century, the Luna Colony has begun cautiously expanding into the inner SOL system. (See the map on page five)

They began by establishing successful mining colonies within asteroids belts and several of the moons orbiting Jupiter. Both the human population and number of warships rapidly increase, but fear remains that this growth will not be enough to face the promised alien invasion.

Matt and his team are frustrated and worried that their tireless search remains fruitless. The promised prize of longevity for all humans remains, just a promise.

Matt, Sharon, Joshua, Susan, Steve Pritchard, and Hymie Stevens, remain young and beautiful and this is a constant and painful reminder for the rest of humankind that their lives are short. Short-lived humans desperately want the Gene Resonator found as they deserve to enjoy long lives like Matt and his friends.

Individual humans continue to grow old and die as they have for millennia... They watch their loved ones pass away and know that they are destined for the same fate. They feel anger, bitterness and resentment toward Matt and his team because they know that it does not have to be this way.

You can imagine how envy and jealously have ballooned over the previous century, adding fuel to the negative wave of antagonism against Matt and his friends are the poisonous conspiracy theories. These are circulated by extreme thinkers or those power brokers who want to advance their own agenda.

The pressure on Matt and his team is growing and the stress from their inability to deliver on promises made is weighing heavily on their conscience and effecting their everyday lives.

Adding to the anguish and anger over longevity, is the promised confrontation with the dreaded alien nemesis.

Inner Solar System Map – Highlighting the asteroid belts.

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Solar System Map (Below)

Solar System Map (Below)

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