Deliver Us From Hell

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Marc became aware of a warm, soft presence in bed beside him. His waking mind remembered the events of the night with a thumping heart. He quietly breathed in the scent of the most beautiful, cherished lady in his small world, as she lay sleeping beside him. He wanted to 'stop time' at this exact moment as he thought: "I will never be more comfortable and happier to be with another person than I am at this precise moment."

Marc became aware of his position in the bed, and with a sense of incredulity, he realised that he was spooning with the love of his life. One of his arms was under Josie's neck and the other around her waist. She, in turn, was hugging those arms against her naked body.

When she felt Marc stir against her back, Josie whispered: "Are you okay?"

Marc replied in a whisper: "I literally thought that I would like to stop time at this moment. I think I will always want to be this happy. Thank you, Josie."

Josie let out a quiet giggle and replied: "I feel exactly the same," and turned to face Marc. They kissed and could not help but become lost in the moment of tenderness.

Sometime later, Marc and Josie became aware of a loud banging on the door. Josie Whispered with a frustrated giggle: "Maybe we upset the neighbours: "You relax, I'll get it, Marc,"

In the dim lighting, Marc stared at Josie's perfect everything as she pushed herself off the bed and slipped on her camisole, dressing gown and slippers and she said: "I'll send them away and be back in a jiffy. Don't you dare move."

Marc felt it was only polite to remain as his lover ordered. So, he stayed there and listened to voices exchange words that came to him as a muffled mumbling. A few seconds later, Josie flew into the room, holding fresh clothes in her arms and said: "You need to get dressed now. Deborah and Alex are in the kitchen waiting. They have critical news. Hurry, please."

Marc dressed and came into the kitchen, still pulling on his shirt and saw two shocked and very apprehensive faces looking at him and he asked: "Okay, what's happened...? Deborah, can you speak first, please?"

Tears were forming in Deborah's eyes as she gave Marc her news: "I'm so sorry to disturb you both. I know this is terrible timing, but the speed that magma is consuming the granite encompassing our cavern has increased. I believe it's due to an increase in pressure and heat behind the magma." Deborah picked up a glass off the table and with ingrained manners asked: "May I get some water, please? You need to see this for yourself."

Without waiting for an answer, she filled it from the tap and set it back on the table with a shaking hand: "Please look carefully at the surface tension." Marc focussed on the water and was shocked to see disturbance on the surface caused by vibration.

Marc said: "Oh God..." As he sat heavily in the kitchen chair he pulled out from under the table, then said: "I wish this were some sort of joke, but I know it's not." He turned his head to see the worried look his reaction caused on Josie's face as she stood at the bedroom door with both hands covering her mouth as if in prayer.

Deborah nodded and continued: "I know that geology is not your main scientific field of knowledge, but your work as Dr Morel's assistant lends you the ability to understand the forces at work here. The level of vibration is proof that it is... significant. This indicates a terrifying build-up of pressure. Vibration and heat feed off each other, causing the effect to increase. As a result, I can no longer estimate when magma will breach the cavern... Marc... We may have as little as one week or even less before the end." Deborah looked down at her toes, and Marc knew she was embarrassed by her visible emotions.

Marc asked: "How many people know about this, Debbie?" Deborah shook her head, unable to speak.

Alex answered for Debbie as he nodded toward the glass of water: "Everyone will know as soon as the vibrations on the water surface become clearly visible. The vibrations in the earth will increase until the weakest point between this cavern and the magma cracks open, just as it did in the incident where we lost Dr Morel. Then, the flow of magma will melt away any remaining resistance, and when that happens... we all perish."

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now