Strategy and Implementation

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The first Super Sensor Array, (SSA) manufactured from blueprints left by the Ancients, was ready for its first test. As with everything ancient, it was initially challenging to integrate with modern systems.

After three months of trials, failures, and redesign with added, or exchanged hybrid components, the Super Scanner Array, as it was being called by the technicians, was finally pronounced ready to turn on.

Moral in the fleet was higher than it had ever been as so many heard the words, 'We are stronger,' from Carl repeated over and over. Somehow, the information Carl said about weakness in numbers and missing technology etc, were ignored completely.

Matt studied any history about the enemy he could glean from Carl as the remaining data on the crystal was limited to less important files, and the data crystals found were designed to primarily remove the firewall to Carls last hidden memories.

Matt wanted access to advanced technology now that humans needed it most. His plan had always been to ensure that humankind reached a higher level of ability and experience so that, in-turn, humankind could attain a better understanding of higher technologies.

SP1's Avatar was shuffling between the six hundred warships assisting installation crews to install the new Super Sensor Arrays throughout the fleet.

Matt ordered Sharon's official transfer, so she was part of Storm's crew, and as such, was now doing her evening shift as duty commander of Storm. She sat in the command chair and liaised with the Bridge crew and technicians as the finishing touches went into the SSA electronics. Finally, the technician shook two fists in the air and turned a happy face to Sharon and said: "Captain, The SSA is ready to live test at your command."

Sharon clapped her hands in applause and said: "You guys are amazing. Admiral Black will want to be here for this test so just wait a minute, please. Storm, can you inform the EIGHT that the SSA is ready for live trials on Storm please?"

Twenty minutes later, Storm's Bridge felt 'top heavy' as naval Captains came onto the Bridge. Those coming from other ships entered through the Bridge airlock, spacewalking from their shuttles to Storm.

From his command chair, Matt said: "Okay guys. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. Let's take a 'live' sneak peek further than ever in recorded history."

Matt looked meaningfully toward Carl and added: "We need to find Perdita before we worry about anything else, but I think the hybrid scanner will allow us to see further than the ancients ever could. It should follow the pattern of other hybrid technology. I'll bet we have doubled the range by the time we finish fine-tuning it."

Carl nodded in agreement, then Matt turned back to the Technician and said: "Ensure the scanner is in full passive mode then turn it on. I want the display transferred to the holo-projector matrix in the BCC."

Matt stepped away from the Command chair and walked into the BCC that was opening automatically on the left side of the Bridge. Everyone paused in anticipation as Matt put on his Battle Command interface gloves, they integrated perfectly with his Impervium suit and AI-com.

Just like Joshua is the confirmed master in all things related to 'hand to hand' combat, Matt is the undisputed master of the BCC holographic matrix. Everybody loves to watch an artist at work, and Matt has had a century of training in the art of manipulating the environment and assets through the BCC.

Matt said: "Interface test please ." Matt calibrated his gloves against points that appeared in the large room, and when the calibration was complete, he walked to the centre of the room and said: "Storm, ensure all future scans are passive unless specifically requested. Make it so for the entire defence fleet."

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now