The GRAV Team

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For two hours since dropping into Lunar orbit, Matt dictated and refined a report to update the Lunar Council on the state of military progress throughout the System. The door chime sounded, and Matt's secretary said: "Your 10:15am meeting is here, Admiral." She admitted Marc and his team and Matt flicked his hand across the report file on his desk top screen and said: "Can you check it and send it to the lunar council please."

The secretary said: "Yes, Admiral. I'll have it polished and sent to the Council." She bowed and left.

Matt studied the four silently and observed their reactions to his scrutiny, but mostly he was curious. Their skin colour was like white porcelain. Matt guessed it was from a lifetime living in a shadow world. It was so beautiful, but Marc's skin was utterly blemished free, almost too perfect. All four were now wearing Storm's emergency coveralls as they had come aboard with just the shirts on their backs.

All of them were around thirty years old, so they must have grown up together. Matt checked their medical files on his tablet and noted they were in perfect health despite their environment. After a few more seconds of silence. Matt nodded approval. Even under Matt's renowned silent scrutinising stare, the team remained quiet and respectfully waited for him to speak.

As always, Matt got straight to the point and said: "I have released your families and friends to the care of the Lunar City Council. I assure you; they will be astounded at the beauty of the colony and happy with the future they now have. Each will be assessed as part of their induction, and appropriate training and integration into lunar society will begin."

"I also watched the AV evidence against Adrian Beecham. He really is a nasty piece of work. Rest assured that he and his colleagues will be punished. When SP1 found them, they understood SP1 was not there to harm them. SP1 released them from the cell after that assurance, and they attacked that Avatar with iron bars.

SP1 is a citizen of humanity, so this was attempted murder. He and his colleagues will be dealt with under Lunar law for the assault on SP1. The penalty for that crime is death, but the colony is a little strange lately, so he and his accomplices will probably be sent to the mining colony on Ganymede.

Marc said: "He is the worst of us, Admiral."

Matt said: "Josie, I intended to let your defence of Marc pass without comment, but I just can't. I've never seen that level of ferociousness. You really are so protective toward Marc. You are half his size of Mr Beecham, and yet, I believe he was lucky the mayor intervened. Your moves had no style, and they were Adrenalin and fury fuelled, which is good, I saw instinctive strikes, but I also feel you have had 'some' basic training. Is that so?

Josie became embarrassed again and said: "I don't want to sound self-absorbed or vain about my looks. I'm not that person, but the mayor and his partner, Claud Morel were interested in self-defence, and my dad asked them to train me. He said I'm too pretty and need training. I've been doing it on and off for about fifteen years and it keeps me fit."

Matt nodded and said: "I like high-value thinking."

Storm rarely spoke uninvited, it was not something that AI's do, but she said: "The Admiral is a 'Grand-Master.' That's the highest-level Martial artist, and he has a century of fighting experience. All of you would benefit from his teachings. Matt is second, only to the Shadow. You will meet Captain Davis when we get to Saturn. Matt is fantastic, but Joshua Davis is the ultimate Master. Then there is Carl who is better than both, but he has an android body, so it doesn't count."

Matt said: "Storm spoils me. Classes are twice a weak – Tuesday and Thursday. No obligation to attend, but you will improve and grow your self-esteem on the mats. That's what Joshua did for me more than a century ago after a group of guys tried to kill me. Yes, That's right. Joshua destroyed them in seconds, while I lay bleeding in the gutter."

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now