Jupiter Orbit

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SP1 floated into Matt's duty office after announcing its presence and hovered in front of Matt's desk. Matt looked up from his work and greeted SP1, saying: "How are you this morning?"

SP1 replied: "Good morning, Admiral. Two things are happening that make me feel much better. The first is knowing that we are just hours from arrival in Jupiter orbit. The second is that I have received a communication from SP1."

"With your permission sir, I have information for you from our first contact situation with the enemy scout ship."

Matt almost bolted from his chair: "SP1, I've been waiting forever to get this message. Please tell me the good news."

SP1 paused just long enough to tease Matt, then said: "You will be pleased to know that our first contact went, 'more-or-less' to plan." My ship self is basically happy about the outcome, with just a few minor concerns. I'll just repeat the message I got from my SP1-self, Admiral."

SP1 floated around a bit then continued: "The enemy now believe that I'm afraid of ghost ships and I appear to be running from the confrontation toward the sun in a mostly broken vessel, just like we planned. As you know, I have not moved in months, and now I'm limping and displaying symptomatic failures such as trailing smoke, explosions, and the occasional outgassing."

"I believe they still think we are blind to their larger ships, and I am just a defensive platform with no bite. They haven't seen any evidence of human military aggression at all, so I'm hoping they vastly underestimate us, and especially me.

SP1 said: "The disappointing thing for me is that they did not pursue me as expected but have set a course in the opposite direction at a dead slow speed. From what I can observe of their movements through space; they appear to be slower even than your gravity bubble drive ships. Your manoeuvrability is far superior to theirs. I'm comfortable that they think I am not a threat, but they either think I'm not even worth the effort to chase down or they're perplexed at this technology."

My guess is they don't understand and are fascinated and very wary of me. I think the enemy will now attempt to eliminate your fleet at Jupiter as the higher priority and they will save me for last so they can focus all their forces on overwhelming my defences.

"Anyway, we're moving toward Jupiter now, and I will continue to maintain low boost with some erratic behaviour thrown in until we're invisible to scanners in the sun's corona. If we observe the enemy begin moving in large numbers to your location, we will boost at high 'G' to Jupiter, I will calculate my arrival to coincide with theirs."

"Finally, there are two video records for you to assess. The first is showing an aborted attempt by the enemy to board SP1. It is interesting data concerning the behaviour of the enemy individually... and it's funny. The second is a display of weapons fire that can only be described as an antimatter plasma stream. I am certain it will react with the Impervium alloy of the Lunar fleet ships in the worst possible way. Critically."

"On a positive note! The GRAV Team have achieved amazing success with its mission. I now have full control of our creation, and this has expanded our knowledge so much that it has opened the door to previously unimaginable technological possibilities. I need to keep my GRAV team with me in the future. We still have much to do, we'll discuss it later if you can make the time after I arrive."

"Last, but in no way least, the GRAV Team will get their reward as discussed. They are in for the surprise of a lifetime. I'll send happy snaps later. End Message."

Matt said: "So, the impossible has happened. I just can't believe that Humanity can create and control a Black Hole. Wow, that is truly something astounding to comprehend. Where is it now, SP1?"

Gravity Wielder - Book 2 of Re-ForgeWhere stories live. Discover now